All content archive
November 2017
262 articles
- November 30
- Don't Blink: Striking Image Shows Bullet in Man's Eye Socket
- A Magnitude-4.1 Earthquake Just Hit Delaware
- Photos: Gorgeous Shots of the Adorable Horned Lizard
- Fault lines: Facts about cracks in the Earth
- Roman Fort Is the 'First Evidence' of Julius Caesar's Invasions of Britain
- Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain (photos)
- Photos: Baby pterosaurs couldn't fly as hatchlings
- This Flu Season Could Be a Whopper, Officials Warn
- Fossilized Pterosaur Eggs Hold Perfectly Preserved Embryos Inside
- World's Smallest Tape Recorder Is Alive
- Now, That's Deep! Mariana Trench Fish Lives 5 Miles Down
- Rising Seas Could Submerge the Oldest English Settlement in the Americas
- How Do Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Work?
- Prehistoric Women Were Stronger than Elite Rowing Teams Today
- No Shimmer: Why Scientists Want to Ban Glitter
- Forget Cyborgs — Biohybrid Robots Are Almost Here
- Grand Staircase, Home to Countless Dinosaur Fossils, Could Be Destroyed by Mining (Op-Ed)
- November 29
- Many Vietnam Vets May Have Cancer-Causing Parasites: What Are Liver Flukes?
- Your Dog Might Be Licking Its Mouth Because It Thinks You’re a Jerk
- 'Hallucination Machine' Takes You on a Drug-Free Psychedelic Trip
- Quantum Computers Bust Problem Conventional Computers Can't Solve
- North Korea's Latest Missile Test Suggests It Could Reach US East Coast
- Odd Red Meat Allergy May Be Behind Some Mysterious Allergic Reactions
- 'Hairy' Microbes Named for Rush Members Are Living in the Limelight
- Even a Kid Can Prove the Earth Is Round: Here's How
- 94-Year-Old 'Ten Commandments' Sphinx Unearthed in Coastal Dunes
- Photos: 1923 Sphinx from Movie Set Found Buried in Sandy Dune
- Feathered Jurassic Dinosaurs Were Fierce and … Fluffy?
- How long can a person survive without water?
- 'Yeti' Hair? Nothing So Abominable, Scientists Find
- November 28
- Could the US Stop Nuclear Weapons?
- Augmentin: Uses & Side Effects
- 'Bone Treats' for Dogs Linked with 90 Pet Illnesses, 15 Deaths
- 'Tomb of Jesus' Dates Back Nearly 1,700 Years
- 'Poop Pills' Work Just As Well As Traditional Fecal Transplants
- Mount Agung Eruption: The 'Big One' Could Come in Hours
- What's the difference between the right brain and left brain?
- Physical Activity May Change Your Heart As You Age (In a Good Way)
- People Are Freaking Out Over This Monster Fungus That Smells Like Rotting Crab
- Mystery Solved: How the Ancient Indus Civilization Survived Without Rivers
- In Photos: Ancient Castle Discovered Beneath Turkey's Lake Van
- The True Story Behind Turkey's Ancient 'Underwater Castle'
- Oddly Behaving Blobs Beneath Earth's Surface Finally Explained
- 2,000-Year-Old Killer Whale Geoglyph Found in Peru Desert
- In Photos: Ancient Killer Whale Geoglyph in Peru
- Dog Family: Facts About Canines & Their Cousins
- The Yeti: Asia's Abominable Snowman
- Stomach Ulcers: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
- November 27
- Man Has Surgery to Remove 263 Coins, 100 Nails from Stomach
- Could Climate Change Affect People’s Personalities?
- Giant Volcano on Bali Is Spewing Ash Clouds, May Erupt Soon
- Politician's Man-Eating Crocodile Warning Is a Load of Crock
- In Photos: Mexico's New Ocean Reserve Protects Stunning Biodiversity
- Mexico Designates Breathtaking Ocean Reserve, North America's Largest
- Where in the Pacific Northwest Will the Next Monstrous Earthquake Strike?
- Elon Musk: Say 'Sweet Dreams,' Humanity
- US Government Shuts Down Flat-Earther's Rocket Launch
- Attack of the (Adorable) Clones: Puppies Are 'Reclones' of First Cloned Dog
- 'Star Wars' Cyber Monday Deals: Best of 2017
- 3 Roman-Era Shipwrecks Found Off Egyptian Coast
- Ancient Helmet-Wearing Wormy Creature Was Covered in 'Cocktail Sticks'
- November 25
- November 24
- November 22
- Lightning Bolts Are Churning Out Antimatter All Over Planet Earth
- Ghostly Cosmic Neutrinos Are Stopped Cold by Planet Earth, New Study Shows
- You'd Never Suspect an Octopus Was Lying on this Seafloor
- Evidence Mounts Against So-Called Climate Change Hiatus
- Birdwatch: Technicolor Turkey Sports Iridescent Feathers
- Giant, Dark Hole Opens Up in Sun's Atmosphere
- Charles Manson's Brain Probably Looked a Lot Like Yours
- Flat-Earther to Launch Himself in Homemade Steam Rocket Saturday
- Rare 400-Year-Old Map Traces Indigenous Roots in Mexico
- How Did This Weird, Super-Salty Pond Form in Antarctica?
- Here Come the Macy's Balloons, There Goes Our Helium?
- Man Develops Rare Infection 30 Years After First Exposure
- Sleep apnea: Symptoms, causes and treatments
- Christmas Trees: Real vs. Fake, and How to Keep Them Fresh
- From Wild to Mild: How Different Types of Alcohol Affect Your Mood
- November 21
- Radioactive Cloud Originated in Russia: What Might Have Caused It?
- Girl's Heart Beats Outside Her Chest: Rare Disorder Explained
- Raw Milk Contaminated with Bacteria in Up To 4 States, CDC Warns
- What Happens When You Drop a Turkey from a Plane?
- Why Do People 'Twitch' When Falling Asleep?
- How Did an Opera Singer Hit the Highest Note Ever Sung at the Met?
- Headless Skeleton of Extinct Sea Cow Unearthed in Siberia
- Buzz Off: Genetic Edit Could 'Defuse' Mosquitoes
- Wow! 1st Interstellar Asteroid Is a Spinning Space Cigar
- Climate Partly to Blame for German Migration to America in 19th Century
- What Is Garcinia Cambogia?
- Facts About Alpacas
- Facts About Bismuth
- November 20
- Tiny Slowdown in Earth's Rotation Could Unleash Major Earthquakes
- Surprising Find: Marijuana Linked with Benefits for Heart Failure Patients
- Why Human Head Transplants Will Never Work
- No, Cotton Swabs Aren't the Most Common Cause of Eardrum Rupture
- Are the Museum of the Bible's Dead Sea Scrolls Fakes?
- Diving Scientists Report 'Big Changes' Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Photos: Diving Beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf
- Earth 'Breathes' in Amazing Time-Lapse Video from Space
- 8,000-Year-Old Rock Art Includes the World's Oldest Images of Dogs
- Chemistry of 'Wine Legs' Inspires Surface-Skimming Minibots
- 800-Year-Old Tombs Tell the Story of an Ancient Chinese Couple
- In Photos: Treasures From 800-Year-Old Tombs in China
- Ban on US Import of Elephant Trophies Remains, For Now
- November 19
- November 18
- November 17
- What in the World? Flat-Earthers Gather at First Conference
- Did Marijuana Really Cause an Infant's Death?
- US Lifts Ban on Import of African Elephant Hunting Trophies: What It Means
- Ever Seen a Shark Walk? Tiny Animals Amaze on PBS
- New Video Shows a Creepily Human-Like Robot Doing a Backflip
- When You Learn, Your Brain Swells with New Cells — Then It Kills Them
- Alien Hunters Send Message to Nearby Planet
- 6 Tips for Buying a Laptop
- Puppy Love: Owning a Dog Linked to Better Heart Health
- 110 Giant Steps: Long-Necked Dinosaur Breaks Record for Longest Trackway
- November 16
- Breast vs. Bottle: Weighing Infant-Feeding Options
- FDA Approves First 'Digital' Pill: How Does It Work?
- 'Living Fossils' of Earth’s Oldest Life-Forms Found in Tasmania
- Why This Viral Painting-Restoration Video Gives Experts the Chills
- What If a 9.0-Magnitude Earthquake Hit Seattle?
- Even at 36,000 Feet Deep, Ocean Creatures Have Plastic in Their Guts
- Scientists Levitate Water Droplets, Figure Out What Drives 'Magical' Behavior
- Like Humans, Chimps Try Harder to Warn Unaware Pals
- Chopin's Pickled Heart Reveals Cause of His Death
- Long-Lost Da Vinci Painting Fetches Historic $450 Million, Obliterating Records
- What Is Turmeric?
- November 15
- Here's Why a Man's Arm Looks Like Popeye's
- 4,000-Year-Old Prenup Mentions Infertility, Surrogacy and Divorce
- Humans Have Cracked the Secrets of Uncrackable Parrotfish Teeth
- Too Many Zzs? 9 Hours of Sleep May Raise Heart Risk in Older Women
- Doctors Cut Into Mom's Womb to Repair Baby's Spinal Cord Defect
- 'MythBusters' Returns, with New Hosts and Sword-Swinging Robots
- In Earth's Backyard: Newfound Alien Planet May Be Good Bet for Life
- The 20 Most Mysterious Shipwrecks Ever
- 280-Million-Year-Old Fossil Forest Discovered in … Antarctica
- Can Young Blood Really Help Treat Alzheimer's?
- Facts About Chromium
- November 14
- Photos: Is ice age cat mummy a lion or a lynx?
- Trying to Stand More at Work? Here's How Many More Calories You'll Burn
- Cave Lion Mummy May Not Be What It Seems
- A Breathtaking New GIF Shows CRISPR Chewing Up DNA
- How Your Brain Wiring Drives Social Interactions
- Stress from Negative Life Events Linked to Obesity in Women
- Genetically Modified Beetles Grow Working Third Eye
- Disney Legionnaires' Outbreak: Why Cooling Towers Spread the Disease
- Cremated Remains of the 'Buddha' Discovered in Chinese Village
- In photos: Cremated Buddha remains and Buddha statues
- In Photos: Early Medieval Village Discovered in Denmark
- Early Medieval Farming Village Unearthed Near Famed Viking Site
- November 13
- Hypertension: Symptoms and Treatment
- What is normal blood pressure?
- Electric Cars Don't Interfere with Heart Implants
- New Blood Pressure Numbers: 130 Is Now High, Doctors Say
- 8,000-Year-Old Jars Are the Earliest Evidence of Winemaking
- What Creature Made This Face in an MRI Machine?
- Dinosaur-Age Shark with 300 'Frilled' Teeth Caught in Deep Sea
- Just 1 Cup of Coffee a Week May Lower Risk of Stroke & Heart Failure
- Wolfing Down Meals May Lead to Weight Gain and Heart Woes
- For Some, A Bit of Chocolate May Help Lower Risk of Heart Problems
- Stephen Hawking Warns: Humanity May Have Less Than 600 Years to Leave Earth
- Shortest Abstract for Scientific Paper Surfaces on Twitter
- 15 Far-Out Facts About Area 51
- Letters from Ernest Hemingway Reveal How Author Dealt with Fame
- November 12
- November 11
- November 10
- Gay Lions? Not Quite
- Don't Bug Out! Your Cluttered Home Won't Attract Creepy-Crawlies
- The Story Behind That Viral Photo of a Lonely Rhino
- Chemists May Have Found the 'Missing Link' to the First Life on Earth
- Tiny Grasshopper Found Hidden in Van Gogh Painting, 128 Years Later
- Now Hear This: Ancient Amphitheater Acoustics Weren't So Great After All
- Can You Turn Fat into Muscle?
- November 9
- Time to Celebrate: Ancient Sundial Made to Honor Roman Politician
- Pet Snake Nearly Kills Teen: Why the Inland Taipan Is So Deadly
- 'Holy Grail' Hadron: Scientists Are Close to Detecting the Elusive Tetraquark Particle
- Americans' Well-Being Declines for 1st Time Since 2014
- Dinosaurs Might Have Survived the Asteroid, Had It Hit Almost Anywhere Else
- Lab-Grown Skin Saves Dying Boy with Rare Disease
- Uber Teams with NASA on 'Flying Car' Project
- Here's Another Reason Bonobo 'Hippie Chimps' Are Awesome
- Prehistoric Mammals Wouldn't Have Messed with This Huge Otter
- November 8
- First Cat in Space to Receive a Proper Memorial
- Drinking Alcohol Really Does Raise Your Cancer Risk, Doctors Warn
- Why a Woman's Wrists Glowed with Gold Filaments on an X-Ray
- Earthquakes Jolt Icelandic Volcano As It Refills with Magma
- Glimmers of Link Found Between Heart Problems and Alzheimer's
- The Surprising Reason Nighttime Injuries Are Worse Than Daytime Ones
- These Rodent-Like Creatures Are the Earliest Known Ancestor of Humans, Whales and Shrews
- Intricately Carved Gemstone Found in Ancient Warrior's Tomb
- There's a Huge Plume of Magma Bulging Against Antarctica
- Women Who Use IUDs May Have Lower Risk of Cervical Cancer
- How Big Would an 'Alien Megastructure' Have to Be?
- Amazing Physics: How 245 People Jumped Off a Bridge at Once — and Survived
- Doggone: Your Best Friend Is Red-Green Colorblind
- That's Baa-rack! Sheep Can ID Obama, Other Celebs
- November 7
- Why Private Planes Are Nearly As Deadly As Cars
- Outbreak in Uganda: What Is the Marburg Virus?
- Poisoned, Then Buried: Before Vesuvius, Toxic Water Likely Sickened Pompeii
- What's Really in Marijuana Extracts? These Products Are Often Mislabeled
- Here's What Happens in the Brain When You Don't Get Enough Sleep
- Pew-Pew! Laser Weapons May Arm Air Force Fighter Jets
- Antarctic Danger: Ice Shelf Cracks Close British Base … Again
- Could Men Really Get Pregnant? Why Experts Say It Won't Be Anytime Soon
- Ancient Athletes: Greek-Style Gymnasium Unearthed in Egypt
- Tasmanian Treasure: Rare 17th-Century Map of Australia Resurfaces
- Humans Doomed Caribbean's 'Lost World' of Ancient Mammals
- How Your Brain Blocks Out Unwanted Thoughts and Memories
- Knossos: Palace of the Minoans
- Facts About Barium
- November 6
- 2017 Is Slated to Be in Top 3 Hottest Years of All Time
- 'Robutt' Simulates 10 Years of Butts on Car Seats
- What in the World Is This? Weird, Amazing Image Goes Viral
- In Photos: Cave Art from Mona Island
- On an Uninhabited Caribbean Island, a Trove of Pre-Columbian Cave Art
- Puppers! Our History with Canines Unfolds in 'Science Comics: Dogs'
- Do Animals Have Humor?
- Under Her Spell: A 'Witch' Shows Her Face, 300 Years After Her Death
- 16th-Century Shipwreck Off Florida Is Causing an International Dispute
- Why Tough, Tiny Tardigrades May Be the 1st Interstellar Travelers
- November 3
- Humans to Blame for Climate Change, Government Report Says
- Good News on Warming: Ozone Hole Is Smallest Since 1988
- More Than 40 Million Fire Extinguishers Recalled for Safety Hazard
- What Would Happen If You Played Tug-Of-War in Outer Space?
- New Orangutan Species Is World's Most Endangered Great Ape
- Has Paranormal Belief Gone Mainstream?
- Lifelong Protection Against Flu? New Vaccine Shows Promise
- This Video of 'Dancing Braids' Will Change How You Think About Mathematics
- Mongolian Microfossils Could Be Earth's First Animals
- November 2
- The History Behind That Creepy Bone Chapel You Saw on Reddit
- Alcohol Use Makes Rats Crave Cocaine
- Lay Off 'Pot Cures Cancer' Claims, FDA Warns
- The Subatomic Discovery That Physicists Considered Keeping Secret
- Trapped! Woolly Mammoth Bachelors Often Met Disastrous Ends
- TL;DR: Here's the One Thing Scientists Want You to Know About Their Fields
- Secret Chamber? Cosmic Rays Reveal Possible Void Inside Great Pyramid
- In Photos: Looking Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza
- Bad Buzz: Bee Stinger Gets Stuck in Teen's Throat
- What Darwin Can Tell Us About Aliens
- November 1
- Here's How Space Travel Changes the Brain
- Rare Find at King Solomon's Mines: Ancient Pregnant Woman's Remains
- In Photos: Ancient Skeleton of Pregnant Woman Found Buried Near Temple of Goddess
- 'Kleptopredator' Found: Sea Slug Attacks After Prey Has Eaten
- Dino Family Tree Overturned? Not Quite, But Changes May Lie Ahead
- Person Dies from Bat Bite: How Rabies Kills
- Tech Shows 2,000-Year-Old Mummy of a Little Girl in Amazing Detail
- Robot Cracks Those Curvy Captchas in Minutes
- Mysterious Walking Octopuses Appear on Welsh Beach
- Jurassic 'Mega-Carnivore' Dinosaur Was 4 Times the Size of a Lion
- Why Humans Hate the Scent of Blood (But Wolves Love It)
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Extreme Morning Sickness
- A History of Elves