All content archive
January 2018
274 articles
- January 31
- Does Coffee Contain a Carcinogen? Here's What the Science Says
- Wearable Cameras Show Animals' Worlds Like Never Before
- 'Exceptional Points' Could Stop Light Waves in their Tracks
- Giving a Hoot for Mideast Peace: Conservation Project Using Owls Proves Unifying
- Do Omega-3 Supplements Really Cut Heart Attack Risk?
- Watch SpaceX's Elon Musk Play with a Flamethrower (Video)
- Ancient Ale: Oldest Beer in Greece Dates to Bronze Age
- See Gorgeous Pics of the #SuperBlueBloodMoon Eclipse
- Brain Scans Can Reveal Who Your True Friends Are
- Will Astronauts Someday Feast on Poop-Grown Microbes?
- Killer Impression: Orca Mimics 'Hello' and 'Bye-Bye'
- January 30
- How to Watch the Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
- Meet Erica, Japan's Next Robot News Anchor
- Brain 'Pacemaker' for Alzheimer's Shows Promise In Slowing Decline
- Why Pot Smokers Scored Higher Than Nonsmokers on This Memory Test
- Airstrikes Blast 3,000-Year-Old Temple in Syria
- Photos: Destruction at Syria's Temple of Ain Dara
- Cocktails to Make You Swoon Over the Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31
- Why Wednesday's Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Is So Special
- Weird: Naked Mole Rats Don't Die of Old Age
- Will the Next Cold War Be Powered by Artificial Intelligence?
- Are We Living in a Hologram?
- Oldest Fossil of 'Missing Link' Dinosaur Discovered in Germany
- January 29
- Superpowered Chinese Lasers Could Soon Rip Open Raw Vacuum
- New 'Hologram' Device Levitates Particles to Create 3D Objects in Thin Air
- This Is Why You Trust Some Strangers and Not Others
- Photos: School-Bus-Size Dinosaur Discovered in Egypt
- Man Dies in MRI Accident: How Does This Happen?
- Lion and Dog 'Shake Hands': What's Really Happening?
- Gross Souvenir: Caribbean Trip Lands Couple with Hookworm Feet
- Why Paleontologists Are Stoked to Find This Bus-Size Dinosaur in Egypt
- Teach Your Kids About the Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31 with These Activities
- Reindeer Weapons: Ancient Hunting Implements Emerge as Ice Melts
- Photos: Ancient Arrows from Reindeer Hunters Found in Norway
- This Parasite Uses Your Own Gut Bacteria Against You
- 800-Year-Old 'Knight' Chess Piece Discovered in Norway
- January 28
- January 27
- January 26
- These Bears Got Fishy Bandages After a Wildfire Burned Their Paws
- A 'Millimeter' from Death: 6-Inch Screw Lodged in Teen's Skull
- A Computer with Just 2 'Neurons' Can Learn to Ride a Bike
- Is Marijuana Bad for Your Heart? Science Can't Say Yet
- Should You Capitalize the 'Universe'?
- Nope, Women's Cycles Don't Make Them Crave Macho Men
- January 25
- Are 'Heat-Not-Burn' Tobacco Products Safer Than Cigarettes?
- Quantum Physicist Named 'Australian of the Year'
- Rare, Mohawk-Wearing Fish Discovered 'Walking' on Seafloor
- 'Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence' Needs a New Name, SETI Pioneer Says
- Immaculate Conception: Centuries-Old Theological Rift Shows Up on CNN
- Human History Gets Longer: Oldest Fossils Outside of Africa Found
- American Cats Are Too Fat — But This Diet Can Help
- Why a Pot 'Breathalyzer' Won't Work
- Crystal Slab of 'Snowflakes' to Become World's Tiniest Sonic Shield
- Armageddon Update: 'Doomsday Clock' Stands at 2 Minutes to Midnight
- New Ocean-Dwelling, Bacteria-Killing Tailless Virus Hid in Plain Sight
- Why Are So Many People So Unhappy?
- Origin of Universe's Most Energetic Particles Possibly Found
- Do Supplements Really Work? Check Out These Fact Sheets for Answers
- Photos: Burnt Wreck May Be Last Known Ship to Carry Slaves to US
- Alabama Reporter Finds Last Known Slave Ship in US
- January 24
- How Getting the Flu May Put You at Risk of a Heart Attack
- Little Legs, Big Impact: Baby's Kicks Pack a Punch in Mom's Womb
- If Your Cat Swats with Its Left Paw, It's Probably Male
- No Needles: Contact Lens Could Monitor Glucose for People with Diabetes
- Monkeys Have Been Cloned, Paving the Way for Human Cloning
- Interstellar Influenza? Space Viruses Could Reveal Alien Life
- Watch a Monster Spider Abduct a Cricket in a Horrifying Sneak Attack
- Philippines' Mayon Volcano Shoots Out Lava Fountains, Violent Eruption Imminent
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Influential Science-Fiction Writer, Dies at 88
- Tractor Beam Levitates Large Orbs with Sound
- Stunning Re-Creation Shows What Stone Age Woman Looked Like 9,000 Years Ago
- Photos: The Reconstruction of Teen Who Lived 9,000 Years Ago
- Medieval Text Resolves Mystery of Viking-Irish Battle
- Probiotic Milk May Help Reduce the Risk of Pregnancy Complications
- January 23
- Dead Sea Scroll Remains a Puzzle After Scientists Crack its Code
- 12 Sexy Camels Kicked Out of Beauty Contest for Using Botox
- Could 'Zombie Deer' Disease Spread to Humans?
- Man Bites Phone Battery, Exploding Battery Wins
- The New Thinnest Mirrors in the World Use Quantum 'Excitons' to Reflect Light
- Water
- How a Norwegian Jetliner Just Set a Trans-Atlantic Speed Record
- Why 200,000 Antelope Dropped Dead in 3 Weeks
- Major Earthquake Strikes Off Alaska
- What Is 'Ice' Psychosis?
- January 22
- Could This Newfound Cave Hold More Dead Sea Scrolls?
- Einstein's Letter Defending Murderous Friend Up for Auction
- New Blood Test Can Detect 8 Types of Cancer
- Nobody Knows Why These Bees Built a Spiral Nest
- 1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia
- Flat-Earth Rocketeer Says He Will Launch in Two Weeks
- Why Flesh-Eating Bacteria Can Look Like the Flu
- 508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Helps Solve an Evolutionary Puzzle
- Photos: 508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Looked Like a Kitchen Brush
- Do Worms Have Tongues?
- In Photos: The Amazing Caves of Arizona
- Fireball Finds! Meteorite Fragments from Dazzling Michigan Meteor Found on Ice
- January 21
- January 19
- Stand Back, Way Back: Flu Virus Can Be Spread Just by Breathing
- How Did These Kids Make a Towering Bubble Bath Igloo?
- His and Her Hookworm: Same Rash Strikes Couple on the Rear
- Tableware from the Toilet: Colonial Pottery from Philly Privy on Display
- The History of Russia's 'Plague Fort,' Where Scientists Battled Death (and Lost)
- This Spiny Plant Is Sending People to the Emergency Room
- Can Hobbits Swim? 'Mordor Under the Sea' Found Off Australia
- Surprise! California Man Finds Huge Tapeworm in His Gut
- China's Quantum-Key Network, the Largest Ever, Is Officially Online
- Boy's Strange Choking Episode: What Is Eosinophilic Esophagitis?
- January 18
- Day Zero: Cape Town Could Become 1st Major City To Run Out of Water
- Mystery Solved: Here's What Caused a Massive Epidemic in Colonial Mexico
- Did Researchers Just Take a Big Step Toward a Universal Flu Vaccine?
- How Many Drinks Could You Have If the Blood Alcohol Limit Is Lowered?
- The Scientific Reason People Love Pimple-Popping Videos
- This Otherworldly Maze Is Now the World's Longest Underwater Cave
- Maya Underworld: Peek Inside the World's Longest Flooded Cave
- Why the UK Just Appointed a Minister of Loneliness
- Scorcher! 2017 Ranked Among Three Hottest Years Ever
- A Space Magnet, Hunting Dark Matter, Turns Up Juicy Secrets of Cosmic Rays
- 'Inflammatory Diet' May Boost Colorectal Cancer Risk
- Rare Snowfall in Sahara Desert Seen from Space
- Watch This Bottle of Water Freeze Over in the Blink of an Eye
- Woman Coughs So Hard, She Breaks a Rib
- January 17
- Surgeon Left Scalpel in Veteran's Abdomen, Lawsuit Claims
- New Threat to Extremely Endangered Cat: Deadly Dog Virus
- Amoebae Give Black Death Bacteria a Safe Place to Hide
- Chameleons' Secret Glow Comes from Their Bones
- Trash-Blasting Lasers Could Help Clean Up Space Junk, China Says
- Fireball Over Michigan: Did Meteor Really Cause an Earthquake?
- The Weird Tale of a Larger-Than-Life Wolf That Outran the Law, Almost
- What Do Trump's Cognitive Test Results Show?
- 'Castle Cloud' Caught in Spectacular Astronaut Photo
- 4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half Brothers, DNA Analysis Shows
- Mini 'Gamma Ray Burst' Created in Lab for 1st Time
- Gene Location for Paranoia Found
- 910 Carats! African Diamond Is Fifth Largest Ever
- Rats May Not Be to Blame for Spreading the 'Black Death'
- January 16
- 6-Year-Old Hallucinates After Taking Tamiflu: Why You Shouldn't Panic
- Archaeologists Begin Search for Tomb of King Tut's Wife
- Is the Internet Changing the Way People Feel About Religion?
- Uganda Confirms Case of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: What Is It?
- Face-Lift by Lava: Eruption Makes Volcano a Perfect Cone
- Is America's Spy Plane Back — and Hypersonic?
- What's Hiding Inside Egypt's Great Pyramid? Tiny Robots May Find Out
- Apollo 17 Astronaut Laments Size of Moon Rock at Trump Signing Ceremony
- How Fast Can Quantum Computers Get?
- What in the World Is Metallic Hydrogen?
- Untouched 'frozen tomb' discovered in Siberia
- January 15
- January 14
- January 13
- January 12
- US Launches Spy Satellite on Secret Mission
- Wild Rumors Fly as Pentagon Shuts Down Questions on Secretive 'Zuma' Mission
- 'Alien' Shark with Goblin-Like Jaws Hauled Up from the Deep Sea
- Why Scientists Just Created the Creepiest Robot Baby You'll Ever See
- Don't Eat Laundry Pods: Why the 'Tide Pod Challenge' Is So Dangerous
- Even Chemists Are Baffled by This GIF of a Droplet Spiraling to Its Doom
- Why Do Hurricanes Have Eyes? Scientists Still Don't Really Know
- You Have the Flu. Should You Go to the Doctor, or Wait It Out?
- 'Raw' Diet for Pets Not As Healthy As You Might Think
- Huge Glaciers Found Hiding Beneath Mars Surface
- Why Women Have the Survival Advantage in Times of Crisis
- Serena Williams' Blood Clot After Childbirth: How Does It Happen?
- Silk Road Travelers' Ancient Knowledge May Have Irrigated Desert
- Cahokia: One of the 1st cities in North America
- January 11
- Out-of-This-World Diamond-Studded Rock Just Got Even Weirder
- The 'Black Hole' Optical Illusion of the Bird of Paradise Explained
- Don't Touch the Monkeys! Florida Macaques Carry Virus Lethal to Humans
- This Bird 'Eyeball' Survived 120 Million Years
- UFO Legacy: What Impact Will Revelation of Secret Government Program Have?
- Owls Dying Near Marijuana Farms (Here's Why)
- Going into Space Crushes the Delicate Nerves in Your Eyeballs
- Pelican Spiders Are the Weirdest-Looking Assassins You'll Ever See
- Why Are Women Really Accused of Witchcraft?
- Is There Radium In Your Tap Water? New Map Can Show You
- Merge Made A VR Headset Suited For Kids
- This Colorful Kit Lets Kids Build a Programmable Camera
- Root Is a Coding Robot That Will Grow With Your Kids
- January 10
- Chemical Reactions
- The Oldest Butterflies on Earth Had No Flowers to Feed On
- Hepatitis Scare at 7-Eleven: How Do You Get The Virus?
- A Neutron Star Hiding Out Near a Black Hole Is Pelting Earth with Radio Waves
- In Photos: SpaceX Rocket Launches Secret Zuma Spacecraft
- What Happened to Zuma? What We Know About Secret SpaceX Mission
- Runners' Back Pain Starts Deep, 3D Models Show
- Alligators 'Snorkel' to Survive Ice-Covered Swamp
- Kitchen of Thomas Jefferson's Enslaved Chef Is Uncovered
- Photos: Monticello's Original Kitchen Excavated
- Pack of Female Wolves Destroys Enemy Intruder in Brutal Fight (Video)
- Sleeping More May Curb Sugar Cravings, Really
- Man Declared Dead Snores to Life Right Before His Autopsy
- Strange Sky Spiral May Come from Secretive SpaceX Zuma Launch
- January 9
- Mitt Romney's Prostate Cancer: What's a Good Prognosis?
- How High Doses of Ibuprofen May Impact Male Infertility
- This Humpback Whale Saved a Woman's Life, But Probably Not on Purpose
- Working Human Mini Muscles Grown from Skin Cells in Scientific First
- Wreck of Dutch Warship Found Buried Beneath Coral
- How Onion Peels Landed One Farmer in the Hospital
- Burn, Baby, Burn: Australian Birds Steal Fire to Smoke Out Prey
- Rare Hybrid Bird Discovered in the Amazon in a First
- Pill-Size Sensor Sniffs Out Gases as It Passes Through Your Gut
- Climate Change Turned 99.8% of These Sea Turtle Babies into Girls
- A Nose for Loot? Dogs Training to Sniff Out Stolen Artifacts
- Bleeding and Spotting During Pregnancy: Symptoms & Causes
- Hundreds of 'Boiled' Bats Fall from Sky in Australian Heat Wave
- January 8
- The Hole in Earth's Ozone Layer Is Healing
- Coca-Cola Plus … Laxatives? What's in Coke's 'Healthy' Japanese Drink?
- Woman Dies After Eating Raw Oysters: What Are Vibrio Bacteria?
- Are iPhones Bad for Kids? Two Investors Are Urging Apple to Investigate
- Why Is Flu Season So Bad This Year?
- This Huge New Prime Number Is a Very Big Deal
- Not Cool: Why an Ice Cream Museum Got Fined for Its 'Sprinkles'
- Why Stephen Hawking Still Matters on His 76th Birthday
- Astronaut John Young, Who Walked on the Moon and Led 1st Shuttle Mission, Dies at 87
- Megalodon Ancestor: Fossil Teeth Link Beast to Earth’s Largest Shark
- Stephen Hawking Turns 76: How Has He Lived So Long With ALS?
- Stephen Hawking Is Worried About Humanity's Future
- January 7
- January 6
- January 5
- The Straight Poop on Goop's Coffee Enema: Don't Do It
- Photos: Book Fragments from Blackbeard's Ship
- Blackbeard's Book Club? Document Discovery May Reveal Pirate Reading List
- Watch for Falling Iguanas! Bomb Cyclone Drops Frozen Lizards
- Brrrr! Why It's So $#%*! Cold
- NASA Goes for 'GOLD' to Scan the Border of Earth and Space
- Rudeness Wins: Bonobos Are Attracted to Creeps
- Breast Implants Linked to a Rare Cancer: How Big Is the Risk?
- Real-Life 'Game of Thrones' Tale Told in Medieval Scroll
- Cutting-Edge Camera Deciphers Messages Written on Mummy Wrappings
- 1,000-Year-Old Stone Structure in Mexico May Depict Creation of Earth
- January 4
- How Do You Survive Nuclear War? The CDC Is About to Tell You
- The Ocean Is Suffocating, and It's Our Fault
- E. Coli Outbreak: Should You Really Avoid Romaine Lettuce?
- Surf's Frozen? Slurpee Waves Spotted on Nantucket Beach
- Does it snow in space?
- Why Does Cold Weather Drain Your Phone Battery?
- 'Bomb Cyclone' Swirls Across US East Coast in a Stunning View of Earth
- First Blue Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in 150 Years Coming This Month
- Can Gene Editing Save the World's Chocolate?
- Why Israelis Are Excited About this 2,700-Year-Old Piece of Clay
- See the 'Bomb Cyclone' Hit US East Coast in These NASA and NOAA Gifs
- Why Are So Many Pets Overweight?
- 9 Surprising, Everyday Things That May Be Bad for You
- The Bottom of the Ocean Is Sinking
- Bombogenesis: What's a 'Bomb Cyclone'?
- January 3
- When You're Sick, Your Face Is a Dead Giveaway
- Here's What You Say When You Talk in Your Sleep
- Could 'Facial Yoga' Really Make You Look Younger?
- Flaky Weather: Why Tallahassee Got Its 1st Measurable Snow in Decades
- Perfectionism on the Rise Among College Students
- The First Americans: Ancient DNA Rewrites Settlement Story
- 'Nature's Smallest Rainbow' Found on Australian Spider's Butt
- No Alien Megastructure: Star's Weird Dimming Likely Caused by Dust
- 'Bomb Cyclone' Forecast to Hit East Coast
- Why People Are Drinking 'Raw Water' (But Probably Shouldn't)
- Common Ancestor of Sharks and Humans Lived 440 Million Years Ago
- January 2
- Frozen Family Fun: Try These Cold-Weather Science Experiments
- News Flash: Lightning Deaths Hit a Record Low in 2017
- Why Is Losing Weight So Tough?
- Wafer-Thin 'Metalens' Uses Nanotech to Blow Glass Out of the Water
- UFO Watch: 8 Times the Government Looked for Flying Saucers
- Roman Temple of Mithras May Align with Sun on 'Jesus' Birthday'
- Do Animals Get Jealous?
- Pioneers of the American West: The Harvey Girls (Photos)
- January 1