All content archive
May 2018
258 articles
- May 31
- There Are Two Kinds of Water in Every Glass, Thanks to Quantum Physics
- Researchers Crack the Code of 'Flying Doughnuts'
- This 'Hawk Mummy' Was Actually Human
- A Giant Blue Whale Just Turned Up In the Red Sea
- Why Can't We Remember Our Dreams?
- No, This Tiny Beast Is Not Half-Mammal, Half-Reptile (But It's Still Super Cool)
- One-Third of New Heroin Users Become Dependent on It
- Why You Should Spend Time Doing Nothing, According to Science
- Here's How Much Exercise You Need to Give Your Brain a Boost
- Accelerometer vs. Gyroscope: What's the Difference?
- May 30
- The Oldest Known Tree in Europe Is Having a Growth Spurt
- Can Taking Ambien Really Lead to Tweets Like Roseanne's?
- Scientists Have Figured Out How to 3D-Print Part of the Human Eye
- This 240-Million-Year-Old Reptile Is the 'Mother of All Lizards'
- Tesla on Autopilot Crashes into Parked Police Car
- Why Were 170,000 Birth Control Pill Packs Just Recalled?
- You May Have a 'Second Brain' in Your Butt... And It's Smarter Than You Think
- Ötzi the Iceman Was a Heart Attack Waiting to Happen
- Is Too Much Protein Bad for Men's Heart Health?
- Lost City of Irisagrig Comes to Life in Ancient Stolen Tablets
- May 29
- Pompeii Man Had a Really, Really Bad Day 2,000 Years Ago
- Aboriginal People Held a Kangaroo Feast Around a Campfire 20,000 Years Ago
- Japanese Whalers Killed 122 Pregnant Whales and 114 Babies Last Summer
- What Ever Happened to the 'Mission Impossible' Rare-Book Thieves? We Investigated.
- Populating a Mars Base Will Be Dangerously Unsexy
- Lab-Grown Human-Chicken Hybrid Embryos Are No 'Frankenfowl'
- The Ethics Behind Using Genealogy Websites to Find Crime Suspects
- May 28
- May 27
- May 26
- May 25
- Intriguing Gold Coin and Other Treasures Uncovered in Egypt
- Scientists Say Elon Musk's 'Nano' Claims Don't Make Any Sense
- Seattle Mussels Test Positive for Opioids
- Extinct Doggos' Bone-Crushing Diet Preserved in Fossil Poop
- Where Did the Deadly Nipah Virus Come From — And What Other Outbreaks Should We Expect?
- Massive Ice Highways Found Hiding Under Antarctica
- SpaceX's Elon Musk Proposes Media Company That Rates Journalists. Is He Serious?
- Could Eating More Seafood Help Couples Conceive?
- World's Largest Pterosaur Jawbone Discovered in Transylvania
- May 24
- Why Is NOAA's Brand-New, Billion-Dollar Weather Satellite Going Blind?
- How the Keto Diet Helps Prevent Seizures: Gut Bacteria May Be Key
- Photos: Fiery Lava from Kilauea Volcano Erupts on Hawaii's Big Island
- Active Hurricane Season Ahead, NOAA Says
- Can You Teach Evolution Without Saying the Word? Arizona Is About to Find Out.
- This NASA Camera Melted During a SpaceX Rocket Launch, But the Photos Survived!
- Will AI Ever Become Conscious?
- Clothes Treated with 'Hot Feet' Coating Could Keep Ticks Away
- Why Eerie Blue Flames Just Erupted from Hawaiian Volcano
- Here's What We Know About Russia's Hypersonic Waverider Weapon
- HIV Can Lie Dormant in the Brain. Here's What That Means.
- How Long Does It Take a Parked Car to Reach Deadly Hot Temperatures?
- May 23
- How Did a 'Lava Bomb' Split a Man's Leg Open?
- How Bats Could Help Scientists Stop Ebola Outbreaks Before They Start
- Scientists to Hunt for Loch Ness Monster DNA
- Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep on the Weekend?
- Mysterious Ailment Strikes US Employee in China, Drawing Comparisons to Cuba 'Sonic Attacks'
- This Mysterious, Deep-Sea Jellyfish Looks Like the Ghost of an Alien
- Sunscreen Pills Are Fake, FDA Warns
- Summer Grilling Could Expose Your Skin to Cancer-Causing Chemicals
- Does Humanity Need a Backup Earth?
- May 22
- These Two Angry, Yelling Lynx Are Probably Fighting About Sex
- Archaeologists Find 'Holy Grail of Shipwrecks' Carrying Stash Worth Up to $17 Billion
- Archaeologists Just Discovered the Mangled Remains of a Slaughtered Barbarian Tribe in Denmark
- Aliens Could 'Slingshot' Their Way Off Earth-Like Worlds (Well, Maybe)
- Sally Ride Is Getting Her Own Forever Stamp
- Giant Hammerhead Worms Have Been Invading France for Decades
- Nuclear Detectives Hunt Invisible Particles That Escaped the World's Largest Atom Smasher
- Forgotten Element Could Redefine Time
- Here's Why Saturn's Inner Moons Are Shaped Like Ravioli and Potatoes
- Why You Say 'Um' Before Certain Words
- The 'Best' Sunscreens of 2018: What to Look For
- May 21
- Origami Robots Just Helped Build the World's Smallest House
- Why Would a Pig Follow a Man Home?
- What Is Nipah Virus? Outbreak in India Kills at Least 10
- Russia's Floating Nuclear Power Plant Heads for the Bering Strait
- How a Prairie-Dog Plague Vaccine Could Protect Ferrets (and Maybe People, Too)
- Giant Waves Nearly Half a Million Miles Across Seen on the Sun for the First Time
- Why Radioactive Waste Is Being Melted into Glass
- Found! New Evidence Suggests Planet Nine Is Real
- The Next Cascadian Megaquake May Be Sooner Than You Think
- Why Is Ice Slippery?
- New Controversial Idea About Stonehenge Has Archaeologists Shaking Their Heads
- This Box Could Become the Coldest Spot in the Universe
- How Can a Smartphone Survive a 100-Foot Drop But Crack on Your Floor?
- May 19
- May 18
- Hatshepsut: Powerful Female Pharaoh
- Congressman Blames Sea Level Rise on Falling Rocks, Is Very Wrong
- Auspicious? Meghan and Harry to Marry on Date of Royal Beheading
- Some Women Regret Freezing Their Eggs, and Doctors Are Worried
- Something Is Sucking Iron Out of Earth's Crust, and Scientists Think They Know What
- Trump Asked About 'Difference Between HIV and HPV,' Bill Gates Says
- Ghostly 'Lightning' Waves Discovered Inside a Nuclear Reactor
- Why Do Things Get Darker When Wet?
- Here's Why Mosquito Bites Itch for Such a Long Time
- May 17
- Tardigrades Apparently Do Huge Poops
- There's No Good Explanation for Why Ozone-Ripping CFCs Are Back
- These Volunteers Drank E. Coli-Laced Water and Got Diarrhea, for Science
- Wireless 'RoboFly' Looks Like an Insect, Gets Its Power from Lasers
- Kilauea Spews Boulders in 5-Mile-High Eruption
- Another Tropical Paradise Enacts a Sunscreen Ban
- Why Your Bed Is 'Dirtier' Than a Jungle-Dwelling Chimp's Bed
- No, Octopuses Don't Come From Outer Space
- Ancient Horse and Stable Found Under Pompeii Ash
- Dogs Might Be More Rational Than Humans
- Hippo Poop Is Literally Suffocating Fish
- US Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low: What's Behind the Decline?
- Moon Dust Is Super Toxic to Human Cells
- What Is Trepanation?
- May 16
- Is the Romaine Lettuce E. Coli Outbreak Finally Over?
- We Still Don't Know Why These Lizards Have Lime-Green Blood
- Images: Amazing Artifacts from a Java Sea Shipwreck
- 12th-Century Shipwreck Came with Handy 'Made in China' Tag
- New Smallpox-Related Virus Found Lurking in Texas Rodents
- What Is Ramadan?
- 'Yanny' or 'Laurel'? Why Your Brain Hears One or the Other in This Maddening Illusion
- The Universe's Fastest-Growing Black Hole Eats Suns Like Ours for Breakfast
- Bitcoin Is Sucking Up So Much Energy, It Could Stop Being Profitable
- What's Next for Exoplanet Searches? Live Science Talks with Astrophysicist Sara Seager
- Earliest Version of Our Alphabet Possibly Discovered
- Here's When Puppies Are Most Adorable, According to Science
- Why Do Some Fruits and Vegetables Conduct Electricity?
- May 15
- Diwali: Hindu Festival of Lights
- Earth's Magnetic Field Is Drifting Westward, and Nobody Knows Why
- How 3,000-Pound Dinosaurs Sat on Eggs But Didn't Crush Them
- Out-of-Sync Biological Clock Could Be Linked to Depression
- What the Heck Is This Hairy 'Sea Monster'?
- Could Reviving Woolly-Mammoth Genes Fight the Effects of Global Warming?
- 'Lost' Asteroid 2010 WC9 Will Make an Unusually Close Flyby of Earth Today
- Two-Headed Deer Found Dead in Minnesota Woods
- What Did Michael Pollan Experience on a Mind-Altering Psychedelic Trip?
- Is It Possible to Predict Earthquakes?
- For 'Flesh-Eating' Bacteria, Your Agonizing Pain Is Their Pleasure
- If These Tiny Marsupials' Marathon Mating Sessions Don't Kill Them, Humans Will
- May 14
- Why This Man's Blood Helped Save Millions of Babies
- Stephen Hawking's Memorial Might Have Time Travelers in Attendance
- Lasers Could Make Computers 1 Million Times Faster
- Scientists Sucked a Memory Out of a Snail and Stuck It in Another Snail.
- Why Some People Just Can't Have a Boss: Study Reveals Brain Differences
- Aliens May Well Exist in a Parallel Universe, New Studies Find
- Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Pilot Crashed Plane Deliberately, '60 Minutes' Panel Says
- Here's Why You Hate Movie Spoilers (But You Shouldn't)
- Is Pluto a Planet? That Is the Question ... Again.
- Where is the center of the universe?
- May 12
- May 11
- The Jerusalem Quandary: Why Trump's Embassy Move Is Problematic
- Here Are the Most Popular Baby Names in the US Right Now
- The 50 Most Popular Baby Names of 2017
- Ancient Lost City of Mardaman Uncovered in Iraq
- 78-Foot Wave Is the Largest Ever Recorded in Southern Hemisphere
- Teen Unearths Milk Cans Holding WWII Heirlooms from Aristocratic Prussian Family
- Meet Kim, the First Spider to Jump on Demand
- How the Bugs In Your Gut Could Affect Your Blood Vessels
- These Everyday 'Drugs' Cause More Harm Than the Illegal Ones, Study Says
- Watch Out: This Robot Could Run After You
- Who Invented Bread?
- May 10
- This Huge, Ancient Whale Would Have Ripped You to Shreds
- Nuclear Bomb Test Moved North Korea Mountain
- Ultrasonic Waves Are Everywhere. Can You Hear Them?
- Why Are People Still Getting Sick from the E. Coli Romaine Outbreak?
- How Did This Soldier 'Grow' an Ear on Her Forearm?
- What's the Most Massive Object in the Universe?
- How 250 Siberians Became the First Native Americans
- Kilauea Volcano Could Launch 10-Ton Ballistic Boulders in a Dramatic Explosion
- Congress Wants to Spend $10 Million to Search for Aliens, and Texas Is to Thank
- What Are the Preferred Jobs of Serial Killers?
- Aw, Shucks: How Oysters Gave One Man a Rare Bacterial Infection
- Thymus: Facts, Function & Diseases
- May 9
- Physicists Just Measured One of the Four Fundamental Forces of Nature. Now They're Bummed.
- Man's Lurking Parasitic Infection 'Woke Up' in His Brain
- Biggest Test Yet Shows Einstein Was Wrong About 'Spooky Action at a Distance'
- Watch a Massive 'Pollen Cloud' Explode from Late-Blooming Tree
- Most Marijuana Dispensaries Give Inaccurate Advice on Pot in Pregnancy
- Here's Why US Claims of Cuban 'Ultrasonic Weapons' Don't Make Sense
- This Horrifying AI Thought Experiment Got Elon Musk a Date
- See 15 Crazy Animal Eyes — Rectangular Pupils to Wild Colors
- Why the heck do so many koalas have chlamydia?
- Ancient Romans Painted Horrifying Blood-Red Warnings on Wall Across Scotland
- Ancient Asteroid Suggests Gas Giants Once Roved the Solar System Like Unhinged Drunks
- What is the 'Hippocratic oath,' and who was Hippocrates?
- May 8
- Sprawling 3,300-Year-Old Egyptian Tomb Hides Secrets of Ancient War
- Photos: Ancient Egyptian General's Tomb Discovered in Saqqara
- How Is Uranium Enriched?
- This 'Glue-Gun-Like' Device Prints Skin to Heal Wounds
- Kilauea Volcano: Facts About the 30-Year Eruption
- Newfound Shrew Lives on a Single Remote Mountain (How the Heck Did It Get There?)
- Video Shows How HIV Infects Cells During Sex
- What Will the Sun Look Like After It Dies?
- HIV Has a 'Long Lost' Cousin: What You Should Know About This Virus
- I Watched an Entire Flat Earth Convention — Here's What I Learned
- Former NASA Engineers Building Real-Life Underwater Transformer
- Enormous New Zealand Sinkhole to Be Fenced in So Cows Aren't Swallowed Up
- May 7
- You Have a Second Immune System, and It Might Be Ruining Your Love Life
- Woman's Runny Nose Was Actually Leaking Brain Fluid
- Incredible Video Shows the Fiery Toll of Kilauea on Hawaii's Big Island
- Laser-Shooting Cow Eyeballs Are As Amazing As They Sound
- Pregnant Woman's 'Houdini' Brain Tumor Vanishes After She Delivers
- How Tattoo Ink and Gold Could (One Day) Help Restore Vision
- Google AI Expert: Machine Learning Is No Better Than Alchemy
- Hawaii Is Banning Sunscreen to Protect Corals. But What About Your Skin?
- Construction Workers in Iran Find Mummy That May Be Father of Last Shah
- Elon Musk Ditched His 'Flufferbot.' No, It's Not What You Think.
- Utah Landscapers Discover Remains of Ice Age Horse
- May 6
- May 5
- May 4
- A Speck of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Is Missing in Idaho
- This 'Star Wars' Scroll Illusion Would Stump Even a Jedi
- A Cockroach Crawled Inside a Woman's Ear, and It Can Happen to You
- How Does Norovirus Get into Oysters? (It's Pretty Gross)
- Are These Neanderthal Etchings a Long-Lost Message?
- Why This Optical Illusion Arrow Always Points Right
- How Adorable Hibernating Squirrels Could Help Scientists Preserve Human Organs
- The Best 'Star Wars Day' Deals
- May the 4th Be With You As You Check Out These Amazing Animals of 'The Last Jedi'
- Proof of 'Planet Nine' May Be Sewn into Medieval Tapestries
- Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts Dramatically After a 5.0-Magnitude Quake
- May 3
- Do Hundreds of Earthquakes in Hawaii Mean Kilauea Could Blow?
- Surgeons Remove 'Very Rare' 132-Pound Ovarian Tumor
- How Eating Fast Food May Make It Harder to Get Pregnant
- This Man Went 5 Days with a Chicken Bone Stuck in His Lung
- Does This 3,000-Year-Old House Confirm King David's Lost Biblical Kingdom?
- Bones Exposed on NYC 'Island of the Dead' Where 1 Million Bodies Rest
- Being Extra-Itchy May Mean You're Missing Some Cells
- Jeff Bezos Wildly Overestimates the Power of the Human Brain
- How 2 Massive Carvings Found Near Egypt Pyramid Were Rescued from Looters
- Hidden text Found on 'Blank' Dead Sea Scrolls
- May 2
- The Louvre Museum: Facts, Paintings & Tickets
- 1st Death Tied to Outbreak of E. Coli in Romaine Lettuce — How It Kills
- How Far Could You Sail in a Straight Line Without Hitting Land?
- Naps Can Make Our Brains 'Remember' Things That Never Happened
- Doctors Pulled 14 Squirming Roundworms from a Woman's Bile Ducts
- Stephen Hawking's Final Paper Cuts the Multiverse Down to Size
- Photos: See Gorillas and Chimpanzees in Their Native Forests
- Half of Western Lowland Gorillas May Vanish by 2040. Here's How We Can Prevent That. (Op-Ed)
- Baby Humpback Whales May Soon Fill Antarctic Seas
- Can Marijuana Treat Autism? These Clinical Trials Aim to Find Out
- Flat-Earthers Explain Why We Don't Fall Off the Edge of Our Planet, and It Involves Pac-Man
- Gooey, Magma Ocean May Have Once Roiled Inside the Moon
- May 1
- Say Goodbye to the World's Oldest Spider, Dead at 43
- Tickborne Diseases Are On the Rise. Is Climate Change to Blame?
- A Washington Nurse May Have Exposed Thousands of Patients to Hepatitis C
- 'Biohacker' Who Injected Himself with DIY Herpes Treatment Found Dead
- Your Genome May Have Already Been Hacked
- We Could Find Aliens by Spotting Their Satellites
- Human Bone Reveals How Much Radiation Hiroshima Bomb Released — And It's Staggering
- Can Your Diet Delay Menopause?
- Adenoids: Facts, Function & Treatment