All content archive
April 2020
178 articles
- April 30
- Recovered patients who tested positive for COVID-19 likely not reinfected
- Can antibody tests tell if you're immune to COVID-19?
- We expel carbon dioxide as waste. Naked mole rats bathe their brains in it to prevent seizures.
- Robert May, grandfather of chaos, dies at 84
- Deformed 'alien' skulls offer clues about life during the Roman Empire’s collapse
- Are 'covid toes' a real symptom of the coronavirus?
- April 29
- What is chemotherapy?
- 1st known swimming dinosaur just discovered. And it was magnificent.
- A long-lost type of dark matter may resolve the biggest disagreement in physics
- Remdesivir shows success in large COVID-19 trial. Will become 'new standard of care,' Fauci says.
- Ancient 'crazy beast' from Madagascar had mismatched body and teeth from 'outer space'
- Scotland, UK: Latest updates on Coronavirus
- Wales, UK: Latest updates on Coronavirus
- Robot 'spy' gorilla records wild gorillas singing and farting, because nature is beautiful
- Coronavirus vaccine developed in the UK could be ready by fall, if it works
- Mummy of ancient Egyptian teenager, buried in fine jewelry, discovered in Luxor
- April 28
- COVID-19 may be tied to rare syndrome in children, UK doctors warn
- The US just hit 1 million cases of coronavirus
- Did you already have coronavirus in January or February?
- Why are more men dying from COVID-19?
- Does an ancient street's 'solar alignment' honor Roman emperor Octavian? Scholars disagree.
- 'UFO' videos declassified by US Navy
- April 27
- South Dakota: Latest updates on coronavirus
- North Pole's largest-ever ozone hole finally closes
- Doctors are testing whether estrogen could help men fight COVID-19
- Coronavirus triggered a 'ruptured heart' in first reported US COVID-19 death
- Black hole keeps snacking on white dwarf locked in its orbit
- Coronavirus pandemic overwhelms 'death care' industry
- Long-lost Spanish fort found on Florida island
- Decapitated, kneeling skeleton found in a pit in China linked to ancient ritual sacrifice
- April 26
- April 25
- April 24
- NASA reveals stunning 'Cosmic Reef' blasting to life in nearby galaxy
- Black hole bends escaping light 'like a boomerang'
- NASA engineers build new COVID-19 ventilator in 37 days
- New COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in monkeys. Next step: humans.
- The world's largest iceberg may have just begun its death march
- Disinfectant injections are a really bad idea
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" special report: Coronavirus (April 23)
- SARS-CoV-2 may be exploiting our immune system's 'first responder' cells
- April 23
- Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 patients who are put on a ventilator die, New York hospital data suggests
- 1 in 5 people tested in New York City had antibodies for the coronavirus
- Mysterious blood clots in COVID-19 patients have doctors alarmed
- England, UK: Latest updates on Coronavirus
- Male lemurs 'stink flirt' using fruity, floral love potion
- 'Silent hypoxia' may be killing COVID-19 patients. But there's hope.
- Ancient parties of bacteria found thriving deep beneath the South Pacific seafloor
- Flu and coronavirus will launch dual 'assault' on America next winter if we don't prepare now, CDC chief warns
- April 22
- Amazing new video shows baby humpback whales nursing from their moms
- 2 pet cats in NY test positive for COVID-19
- Conspiracy theorists falsely claim coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate hoax. Really?
- Russian space official tests positive for coronavirus after attending Soyuz crew launch to space station
- How to watch SpaceX launch 60 new Starlink satellites into orbit today
- Coroner finds earliest coronavirus death in early February in Bay Area
- Why celebrate Earth Day? Here are 12 reasons.
- April 21
- Poison control sees spike in calls for cleaner, disinfectant accidents amid COVID-19 pandemic
- New coronavirus vaccine trial starts this week in the UK
- Could genetics explain why some COVID-19 patients fare worse than others?
- What happened before the Big Bang?
- Coronavirus lingered in a woman's eyes long after it cleared from her nose
- Baby leatherback sea turtles thriving due to COVID-19 beach restrictions
- Is life a gamble? Scientist models universe to find out
- April 20
- Mysterious 'disappearing' exoplanet was just a big cloud of asteroid trash, study suggests
- 'At home' study will test if common drug can prevent serious COVID-19 complications
- Lyrid meteor shower peaks this week: Here's how to watch
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" 22: Mysterious brains
- Drug used to treat Ebola may help COVID-19 patients, preliminary results suggest
- April 19
- April 18
- April 17
- Vermont: Latest updates on coronavirus
- Mystery of 2 million-year-old stone balls solved
- Here’s a look at the coronavirus’s complicated journey through the body
- What is a gene drive?
- China increases Wuhan's COVID-19 death toll by 50%
- Was the 'Nazareth Inscription' a Roman response to Jesus' empty tomb? New evidence says it wasn't.
- Russia tests anti-satellite missile and the US Space Force is not happy
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" special report: Coronavirus (April 16)
- April 16
- April 15
- 'Profound' smell loss is a common COVID-19 symptom, study confirms
- Why are so many people dying of COVID-19 in New York City?
- Surprising number of pregnant women at NYC hospitals test positive for COVID-19
- Flickers of light in a giant, underground tank of water in Japan could explain the entire universe
- More than 2 million people worldwide have contracted COVID-19
- How a coronavirus disaster unfolded on the USS Theodore Roosevelt
- Outrageous 'Tiger King' zoo owners say they help tigers. Conservation experts disagree.
- 'Mind-control' cat parasite has now reached Hawaii's parks
- April 14
- April 13
- New origin story of 'Oumuamua interstellar visitor does not involve aliens
- Trial of chloroquine to treat COVID-19 stopped early due to heart complications
- Could a 100-year-old vaccine protect against COVID-19?
- 'Longest animal ever' discovered in deep-sea canyon off Australian coast
- UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson released from hospital
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" 20: Mysterious black holes
- A huge cloud of invisible particles seems to be missing from the Milky Way
- April 12
- April 11
- April 10
- Think you already had COVID-19? New antibody study may find out.
- COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States
- Mercury probe snaps stunning photos of our planet during Earth flyby
- Why COVID-19 hits smokers harder
- Statue of Liberty blueprints discovered, showing last-minute changes
- Why a highly-cited coronavirus model now projects thousands fewer US deaths than before
- Biblical story of Jesus possibly explained by excavations in his hometown of Nazareth
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" special report: Coronavirus (April 9)
- 6 new coronaviruses discovered in bats
- April 9
- Model suggests how airborne coronavirus particles spread in grocery store aisles
- 5G is not linked to the coronavirus pandemic in any way. Here's the science.
- Treatments for COVID-19: Drugs being tested against the coronavirus
- Yellowstone study finds plague (yes, that plague) in nearly half of tested cougars
- Coronavirus in the UK: Latest COVID-19 news and case counts
- The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is on fire and radiation levels are spiking
- These US counties are at risk of exceeding their hospital capacity during COVID-19 surge
- Child's shattered skull may be oldest Homo erectus fossil on Earth
- April 8
- The mysterious connection between the coronavirus and the heart
- Orangutans and otters strike up darling friendship at Belgium zoo
- Are ventilators being overused on COVID-19 patients?
- 'Disco' tardigrade parties under microscope, wins international photo prize
- Do school closures really help reduce the spread of the coronavirus?
- April 7
- How to see tonight's pink supermoon, the largest full moon of 2020
- New Zealand is winning the war on coronavirus. Here’s why.
- COVID-19 may spread through breathing and talking — but we don't know how much
- China just lifted its lockdown on Wuhan
- How are people being infected with COVID-19?
- What does 'recovered from coronavirus' mean?
- Explore ancient Egyptian queen's tomb and a Coptic monastery with this new 3D virtual tour
- What smacked Uranus on its side? Something icy and as massive as Earth, scientists say.
- April 6
- How to shop for groceries during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Rare bee has a body that's half-male, half-female, and split exactly down the middle
- Coronavirus seems to mutate much slower than seasonal flu
- Heavy-metal alien planet may be shaped like a football
- Chinese rocket sells for $5.6 million in livestreamed auction: report
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" 18: Mysterious Animal Superpowers
- Nuclear bombs could reveal how old whale sharks really are
- April 5
- April 4
- April 3
- Everyone should wear face 'masks' in public, CDC now recommends
- Instead of just flattening the COVID-19 curve, can we 'crush' it?
- Activities and online resources for homebound kids: A coronavirus guide
- Here's why the new coronavirus is so good at infecting human cells
- World's oldest human DNA found in 800,000-year-old tooth of a cannibal
- COVID-19 has reached a Brazilian indigenous tribe
- 1,400-year-old mystery of strange 'red sign' in Japan's sky solved
- Asymptomatic people may be fueling the coronavirus spread
- Even if you test negative for COVID-19, assume you have it, experts say
- How do you care for someone with COVID-19?
- 41 million-year-old insect sex romp preserved in amber
- Woman seeks man in ancient Egyptian 'erotic binding spell'
- Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" special report: Coronavirus (April 2)
- Could a mobile app control the COVID-19 pandemic and help reopen society?
- April 2
- Cruise ships still struggling to dock as coronavirus spreads
- FDA approves first antibody test in the US to detect the coronavirus
- World coronavirus cases pass 1 million mark
- What is palm oil?
- Remains of 90 million-year-old rainforest discovered under Antarctic ice
- How to get the coronavirus $1,200 stimulus check, and will it be enough for the average American?
- April 1
- Woman with COVID-19 developed a rare brain condition. Doctors suspect a link.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced us to a new word: Zoonosis (Op-Ed)
- 'Starry Night' replica found on peacock spider's butt
- Up to 25% of people with COVID-19 may not show symptoms
- Photos: Coronavirus field hospitals across the US
- Coronavirus may be most infectious when symptoms are mildest, small study finds
- New coronavirus may spread as an airborne aerosol, like SARS
- Hidden atrocities of Nazis at concentration camp on British island finally come to light
- 'Sailors do not need to die': Captain of aircraft carrier asks for help with onboard COVID-19 outbreak
- First proof of donkey polo in ancient China found in noblewoman's tomb