All content archive
October 2020
208 articles
- October 31
- October 30
- COVID-19 household transmission is way higher than we thought
- (Sponsored) JustCBD gummies are yummy — and you can enter to win a vegan gummy bundle!
- Coral 'tower' taller than the Empire State Building discovered off Australian coast
- Powerful earthquake strikes off Turkey's coast, killing at least 14
- Why black holes are the scariest things in the universe
- NASA asteroid probe stows space-rock sample for return to Earth
- Will our solar system survive the death of our sun?
- Gravitational-wave treasure trove reveals dozens of black hole crashes
- Why Americans are so enamored with election polls
- Elusive squid seen alive in natural habitat for first time (VIDEO)
- October 29
- Rare full moon on Halloween will be seen across the US for the first time in 76 years
- Man almost dies from an allergic reaction to cold air
- Look Ma, no ears! Teensy spiders hear with organ on their legs
- Racist physicist sneers at Einstein and Jews in a 1927 anti-Semitic letter up for auction
- An Earth-size planet is careening untethered through the galaxy, scientists find
- Building blocks of language evolved before humans split from chimps and monkeys
- What happens at the center of a black hole?
- This failed planet is slowly rusting in space
- Monster bird fossils unearthed in Antarctica
- COVID-19 causes some patients' immune systems to attack their own bodies
- Arctic sea ice goes through 'historic' loss in 2020
- October 28
- 13 disturbing Halloween horrors come to life
- How Hurricane Zeta rapidly strengthened before slamming New Orleans
- Trump lifts protections for Tongass National Forest, allowing logging, road development
- Greenland ice melt is changing the shape of its coastline
- 'Fireball' meteorite that crashed in Michigan holds extraterrestrial organic compounds
- Who lies in the tomb of the 'Six-Headed Chief'? DNA reveals clues.
- Astronomers peer into the atmosphere of a rare exoplanet that 'shouldn't exist'
- Sue the T. rex had a terribly painful infection when she died
- Astronomers find new way to hunt the elusive Planet 9
- October 27
- Zombie diet: 10 real-life examples of humans eating humans
- Researchers revamp famous alien-hunting equation to predict spread of COVID-19
- These tiny, little-winged dinosaurs were probably worse at flying than chickens
- The war against plastic is distracting us from pollution that can't be seen
- What does 'close contact' for COVID-19 really mean? Epidemiologist explains.
- The Elysium effect: The coming backlash to the billionaire 'NewSpace' revolution
- Is there a puppy heaven? Owners think so, headstones in pet cemeteries show
- October 26
- NASA finds water on the moon's sunlit surface for the first time
- Photos: Murder hornets will haunt your nightmares
- 1st 'murder hornet' nest in US found and destroyed
- US hits highest average number of new COVID-19 cases since start of the pandemic
- The Milky Way's quiet, introverted monster won't spin
- Naked mole rats kidnap each other's babies, and turn them into slaves
- Distant alien planets could be turned into dark matter detectors
- Rare, 2-headed snake discovered by Florida house cat
- October 25
- October 24
- October 23
- FDA approves first COVID-19 drug. But it's 'not a blockbuster.'
- Explosive growth of Colorado wildfire seen from space
- Fault near Portland could unleash a major earthquake
- The first star in our galaxy caught sending out fast radio bursts is doing it again
- NASA's first attempt to sample an asteroid in space made a mess. It's the best mess ever, scientists say.
- Physicists search for imprints left by dark matter haloes as they swoosh through galactic gas
- October 22
- All seniors could get COVID-19 vaccine by end of January, HHS head says
- Sacrificed llama mummies unearthed in Peru
- Aliens on 1,000 nearby stars could see us, new study suggests
- Witch-repellent graffiti discovered in ruins of medieval UK church
- Famous fish that ate all his friends gets cheered up by 16th birthday party
- CDC changes definition of 'close contact' for COVID-19
- Physicists clock the fastest possible speed of sound
- 'Lost' tectonic plate called Resurrection hidden under the Pacific
- Turbulent environment set the stage for leaps in human evolution 320,000 years ago
- The ozone hole over Antarctica has grown much deeper and wider in 2020
- Asteroid Bennu: Successful touchdown —but sample return mission has only just begun
- October 21
- US is a week away from 'rapid acceleration' of COVID-19 cases
- Corgi-size pterosaurs walked in the rain 145 million years ago
- 'Starman' just zipped past Mars in his rapidly-decaying Tesla Roadster
- You can't squish this 'iron' beetle. Now, scientists know why.
- NASA spacecraft makes historic attempt to snag samples of asteroid Bennu
- Black holes could become massive particle accelerators
- The strange story of 2020 SO: How an asteroid turned into rocket junk and the NASA scientist who figured it out
- The closest black hole to Earth may not actually be a black hole after all
- Ghostly 'UFO cloud' hovering over mountains wows judges in weather photo contest
- 'Monster' storms and frozen bison: The most spectacular weather photos of 2020
- October 20
- COVID-19 is at least 5 times deadlier than flu for hospitalized patients
- Scientists discover new organ in the throat
- 1st-ever footage of giant pandas mating in the wild is not 'cute and cuddly'
- Astronomers claimed galaxy was 98% dark matter. They were wrong.
- Teen wins $25k for finding molecule that may disarm coronavirus
- 'Challenge study' to infect healthy volunteers with the coronavirus will begin in early 2021
- New Nazca Line geoglyph discovered: A 120-foot-long cat
- The very first forms of life may have been more animal-like than we ever realized
- Artemis Accords: Why many countries are refusing to sign moon exploration agreement
- Without gravity, the fluid around an astronaut's brain moves in weird ways
- Young women may be likelier to die after heart attacks than men
- Higgs boson possibly caught in act of never-before-seen transformation
- October 19
- The history of Halloween
- NASA is about to play 'tag' with asteroid Bennu: Here's how it will work.
- 24 million-year-old nursery for baby megasharks discovered in South Carolina
- Half-male, half-female songbird discovered in Pennsylvania
- Severe burn damage from California wildfires seen from space
- The body fires 'blobs of fat' packed with toxic proteins to fight bacteria
- Ice melt in Alaska threatens to unleash unprecedented 'mega-tsunami,' scientists warn
- Researchers capture elusive particle trios at room temperature
- Anglo-Saxon warlord unearthed by metal detector hobbyists
- October 18
- October 17
- October 16
- Warm pasta helps hot, angry neutron stars cool down
- Remdesivir has 'no meaningful impact' on COVID-19 survival, huge study finds
- Adorable tardigrades fight UV rays with glowing shield
- Bird flies 7,500 miles nonstop, breaking world record
- Weird venomous caterpillars that look like walking toupées are invading Virginia
- 10,000-year-old footprints show journey of squirmy toddler and caregiver
- Why some animals have a penis bone shaped like an ice-cream scooper
- Only two northern white rhinos remain. And they're both female.
- Cosmonaut snaps amazing photos of Soyuz rocket launch from space
- October 15
- What is RNA?
- Drug tricks cancer cells by impersonating a virus
- Hockey game turned into COVID-19 superspreader event
- Mosquito 'tongue' neurons ignite like fireworks at taste of human blood
- Physicists keep trying to break the rules of gravity but this supermassive black hole just said 'no'
- 1st of their kind baby tyrannosaur fossils unearthed
- Bill Nye to flat Earthers and science deniers: 'It affects all of us'
- 800 years ago, Old Faithful went quiet. Soon, it might happen again.
- What if all humans on Earth had albinism?
- 2 big pieces of space junk could collide tonight
- October 14
- Experts: Herd immunity is 'dangerous' and 'flawed' approach
- Adorable ancient sea cows once swam through now-bone dry Egyptian desert
- Rare magnetism found in the world's strongest material
- Nazi wreck may hold looted treasures from Russian palace's 'Amber Room'
- COVID-19 linked to sudden hearing loss
- Do we live in a simulation? Chances are about 50–50.
- Scientists call for serious study of 'unidentified aerial phenomena'
- Earth's space junk problem is getting worse. And there's an explosive component.
- Kids can watch colorful crystals grow with this NatGeo kit, on sale for Prime Day
- October 13
- Glowing brains, fish embryos and a snail tongue taste success in microscopy photo contest
- Save 30% on Osmo Little Genius kits and educational games
- The best DNA testing service is just $99 this Amazon Prime Day
- Black hole caught turning a poor star into spaghetti
- The coronavirus can last for 28 days on some surfaces
- October 12
- Life-changing medical innovations that make the impossible possible (Sponsored)
- Pandemic will cause 400,000 extra deaths in the US this year, study suggests
- Drone warns surfer of very close encounter with 5-foot shark in Australia
- Pipsqueak animals show off Marvel-like superpowers in 'Tiny World' docuseries
- Female moles grow testicles to fight through their brutal underground existence
- October 11
- October 10
- October 9
- Masks and closures in Arizona led to a 75% decrease in coronavirus cases
- Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region?
- Trump's COVID case could be entering a crucial stage
- Planets more hospitable to life than Earth may already have been discovered
- 15 million tons of microplastics pollute the seafloor
- Major Hurricane Delta set to batter Louisiana, where many are still homeless after Laura
- October 8
- 1 in 4 Americans aren't washing their hands regularly
- Stan the T. rex just became the most expensive fossil ever sold
- Scientists zoom in on HIV inside a test tube, find critical steps in infection
- Leading medical journal blasts Trump's 'astonishing' failure in pandemic response, says to vote him out
- A mini fractal universe may lie inside charged black holes (if they exist)
- Germanic lord buried with a harem of 6? Not quite, but the real story is fascinating.
- 1,200-year-old pagan temple to Thor and Odin unearthed in Norway
- Earth just had its hottest September on record
- October 7
- Orthorexia: Causes, symptoms and treatment
- After 3,000 years, Tasmanian devils return to mainland Australia
- Black hole-sized magnetic fields could be created on Earth, study says
- Dead animals are washing ashore on a remote Russian peninsula. What’s going on?
- 2 women earn Chemistry Nobel Prize for gene-editing tool CRISPR
- Save up to 55% on the world's leading science, tech and history magazines
- Scarlet fever is making a comeback. Bacterial 'clone' could be to blame.
- Draconid Meteor Shower 2020: When, where and how to watch the unpredictable 'shooting star' display
- Coronavirus can survive on skin for 9 hours
- October 6
- Dozens of ancient penguin 'mummies' discovered at lost nesting site in Antarctica
- Louisiana braces for its 3rd dangerous hurricane in only 6 weeks
- Glassified brain cells found in victim of Vesuvius eruption
- SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites and lands rocket at sea
- Scientists discover great white shark 'queen of the ocean'
- Trump is 1 of 10 people to get antibody drug outside of clinical trial
- Something huge ripped the skin off this star before it died
- 59 priest mummies and statue of unusual god unearthed in Egypt
- Nobel Prize in physics awarded to 3 scientists for their black hole discoveries
- October 5
- What was the Black Panther Party?
- Beirut blast was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions ever
- CDC finally acknowledges airborne COVID-19 spread, for real this time
- Megalodon's hugeness was 'off-the-scale' — even for a shark
- Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to discoverers of hepatitis C
- Fossils of Ice Age manatees discovered in Texas
- Trump is taking the latest in COVID-19 treatments. Here's how those medicines work.
- Astonishing AI restoration brings Apollo moon landing films up to speed
- Americans really are drinking more during the pandemic
- October 4
- October 3
- October 2
- Mysterious inflammatory syndrome tied to COVID-19 strikes adults as well as kids
- Just how many people could be infected as part of the Trump COVID-19 outbreak?
- Skull reveals Anglo-Saxon teen's nose and lips were cut off 1,100 years ago
- It's time to vote for the chonkiest bear in Katmai National Park
- Trump tests positive for COVID-19: What are the risks?
- New York and New Jersey launch COVID-19 contact tracing apps
- Woman's odd headache was from tapeworm larvae in her brain
- 'Naked' shark was born without skin or teeth in world first
- October 1
- A virus and bacteria may 'team up' to harm babies' brains
- Nuclear fusion reactor could be here as soon as 2025
- Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones: Earth's tropical windstorms
- COVID nightmares are becoming frighteningly common
- 35-year study hints that coronavirus immunity doesn't last long
- There’s too much gold in the universe. No one knows where it came from.
- US spy satellite launch aborted in final seconds again
- Decapitated and dismembered skeletons reveal lost Iron Age massacre
- When should we start testing COVID-19 vaccines in kids?