All content archive
December 2020
195 articles
- December 31
- December 30
- December 29
- December 28
- December 27
- December 26
- Mysterious asteroid the size of a dwarf planet is lurking in our solar system
- Why aren't peanuts, pecans and almonds real nuts?
- Live Science's top stories of 2020: Writers' choice
- 6 times that 2020 showed us women from antiquity were totally badass
- Fireballs, spaceships and … iguanas? 7 strange things that fell from the sky
- December 25
- December 24
- Extraterrestrial evidence: 10 incredible findings about aliens from 2020
- Weapons carved from human bone come from drowned land bridge between UK and Europe
- Lyme disease-carrying ticks may invade new territory in the Midwest
- 13 ways the Earth showed its wrath in 2020
- Humans are destroying our 'perfect planet,' Attenborough says
- The 10 coolest dinosaur findings of 2020
- December 23
- Jupiter and Saturn descend on world's tallest building in epic 'Great Conjunction' video
- Octopus punches fish in the head (just because it can)
- 'Zombie' greenhouse gas lurks in permafrost beneath the Arctic Ocean
- Air pressure makes Mount Everest 'shrink' by thousands of feet, new study finds
- Man revives baby elephant using CPR: How does that work?
- Ancient 'swamp king' monster croc once terrorized Australia
- December 22
- Seals are making 'Star Wars' noises at each other underwater, and we have no idea why
- Antarctica has its 1st COVID-19 outbreak
- Is it safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine if you're pregnant?
- Stunning telescope image of Jupiter and Saturn's Great Conjunction will amaze you
- Moon has way (way) more craters than we thought
- What's causing rare allergic reactions to Pfizer's vaccine?
- 2 people die in shark attacks. How unusual is this?
- Scientists think they've spotted the farthest galaxy in the universe
- World's ugliest orchid looks like a soul-sucking, eyeless worm
- Doctors heard music when checking a man's pulse. Here's why.
- December 21
- What was the Star of Bethlehem?
- Is the new UK coronavirus variant more contagious?
- Could the Christmas Star visible tonight actually be the Star of Bethlehem?
- Exquisitely-preserved wolf pup mummy discovered in Yukon permafrost
- How to watch tonight's 'great conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn
- 3,800-year-old baby in a jar unearthed in Israel
- Mummified baboons may identify lost land of Punt, ancient Egypt's trading partner
- Red Bull skydivers recreate mysterious Marfa lights for winter solstice 2020
- Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts with dramatic lava fountains
- Gargantuan chunk of 'cosmic web' discovered. It's 50 million light-years long.
- December 20
- December 19
- December 18
- Unsafe levels of radiation found in Chernobyl crops
- Lost artifact from Great Pyramid was just found in a cigar tin in Scotland
- Newly discovered fungi turn flies into zombies and devour them from the inside out
- Scientists think they've detected radio emissions from an alien world
- Invisible 'arches of chaos' span the solar system
- Angel, devil and blood-red heart appear at Martian south pole
- December 17
- Ötzi the Iceman may have scaled ice-free Alps
- Huge methane cache beneath Arctic could be unlocked by the moon
- 2 calves of one of world's most endangered large whales spotted
- See the moon's shadow on Earth from the 2020 total solar eclipse in these stunning satellite views
- China's Chang'e 5 capsule lands on Earth with the 1st new moon samples in 44 years
- Meet Au-Spot, the AI robot dog that's training to explore caves on Mars
- December 16
- Two strange blobs of X-ray energy are swirling out of the galaxy's center
- Deadly 'brain-eating amoeba' has expanded its range northward
- Stunningly preserved ‘Cretaceous Pompeii’ fossils may not be what they seem
- Nor'easter could drop a foot of snow on New England
- 1st wild animal in US infected with SARS-CoV-2 found in Utah
- Red Sea oil tanker 4 times as big as Exxon Valdez could spill any day now
- World's oldest python fossil unearthed
- US could reach 'net-zero' carbon by 2050. Here's how.
- How a girl's 'death mask' from the 1800s became the face of CPR dolls
- Hundreds of graves reveal Spanish town’s secret Muslim history
- Spooning skeletons: Who were these 3,000-year-old 'Romeo and Juliet'?
- China's Chang'e 5 moon lander is no more after successfully snagging lunar rocks
- Coronavirus relief funds could easily pay to stop the worst of climate change (Op-Ed)
- December 15
- There's a new coronavirus variant in the UK. Here's what we know.
- The UK is sending robot submarines to watch the world’s largest iceberg crash into an island
- Physicists attempt to unify all forces of nature and rectify Einstein's biggest failure
- Man who died of constipation 1,000 years ago ate grasshoppers for months
- Physicists give Schrodinger's cat a cheshire grin
- FDA approves genetically engineered pigs for food and transplants
- Polar cyclones on Jupiter create a spellbinding vortex cluster
- December 14
- Giant Aztec skull 'tower' unearthed in Mexico
- 1st dose of COVID-19 vaccine given in New York
- 'Planet Nine' cousin found
- The only total solar eclipse of 2020 may be one few get a chance to see
- What's behind the mysterious, earth-shaking boom of the 'Seneca Guns'?
- Massive supercontinent will form hundreds of millions of years from now
- Longest-exposure photo ever was just discovered. It was made through a beer can.
- Spectacular Geminid meteor shower peaks tonight. Here's how to watch the show.
- December 13
- December 12
- December 11
- COVID-19 vaccines: The new technology that made them possible
- Why an Australian COVID-19 vaccine caused false-positive HIV tests
- 1,800-year-old altar to pagan god Pan hidden in a Byzantine church
- Army officer's secret journal could offer new clues about the UFO crash in Roswell in 1947
- Child's bones buried 40,000 years ago solve long-standing Neanderthal mystery
- World's largest iceberg still barreling toward penguin habitat, new footage confirms
- December 10
- How to watch the northern lights across far northern US tonight
- People sometimes prefer burning hot pain to thinking too hard
- Gold coin stash from time of Henry VIII found in English garden
- Human-made stuff now outweighs every living thing on Earth
- Your skin should be toxic to ticks. Here's why it's not.
- Bees defeat 'murder hornet' relatives with poop
- NASA's spacecraft spots China's Chang'e 5 lander on the moon
- Fragments of energy may be the fundamental building blocks of the universe
- This is what a supernova sounds like, according to NASA
- SpaceX's Starship SN8 prototype soars on epic test launch, with explosive landing
- December 9
- Watch SpaceX test a giant 'Starship' over Texas today [UPDATED]
- Missing link in pterosaur origins discovered
- Dramatic transformation of the Arctic landscape may be permanent
- When will COVID-19 vaccines start to make a difference?
- Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine is 86% effective, early data suggest
- People with significant allergies should avoid Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, UK warns
- SpaceX aborts Starship SN8 prototype test launch at last second
- Sahara's 'Godzilla' dust storm may have been triggered by warming in the Arctic
- The strange story of how nuns uncovered 'House of Jesus' in Nazareth
- Archaeologists find vast network of Amazon villages laid out like the cosmos
- Saturn and Jupiter to almost 'kiss' this winter solstice
- Dogs will never speak human. Here's why.
- December 8
- Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine starts to work just 10 days after 1st dose
- Epic time-lapse shows what the Milky Way will look like 400,000 years from now
- Who was Carl Linnaeus?
- Giant pandas have winter poop parties, rolling around in horse manure
- Did the universe's creator hide a message in the cosmos?
- Here's how genes determine your facial features
- Burnt 'Great Pyramid' notes reveal Isaac Newton's research into the apocalypse
- Puerto Rican scientists mourn loss of Arecibo Observatory's iconic telescope
- China plants its flag on the moon with Chang'e 5 lunar lander (photo, video)
- December 7
- Microwave pulses caused bizarre ‘Havana syndrome,’ report suggests
- Mystery illness sickens more than 300 in India
- Elaborate Viking ship burial may have held a king or queen
- Rare 9-armed octopus found off Japan coast
- Toasty November means 2020 might nudge out 2016 as hottest year on record
- China claims fastest quantum computer in the world
- Nazi 'Enigma' machine found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea
- Earth spent 500 million years creating and eating dead continents
- How a flu virus shut down the US economy in 1872 — by infecting horses
- Chain of Alaskan islands might really be one monster volcano
- December 6
- December 5
- December 4
- Mysterious minimoon circling Earth is actually a 1960s rocket booster
- World's oldest animal fossil actually came from rotting algae
- World's largest atom smasher could seed microscopic black holes
- China's Chang'e 5 probe lifts off from moon carrying lunar samples
- Physicists recorded the flowing sound of a 'perfect' fluid for the first time
- COVID-19: When are you most infectious?
- December 3
- December 2
- Why did this man's urine turn green?
- The Falklands War: Margaret Thatcher's great victory
- COVID-19 quarantine now 10 days, 7 with test, CDC says
- Mystery of galaxy's missing dark matter solved. (And it involves a thief.)
- Watch China spacecraft land on the moon in this amazing video
- UK approves Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine
- Black holes may not exist, but fuzzballs might, wild theory suggests
- These photos of the Arecibo Observatory telescope collapse are just heartbreaking
- Roman subjects paid emperor piles of silver to leave them alone, inscription reveals
- Scientists just mapped 1 million new galaxies, in 300 hours
- December 1
- COVID-19 may have arrived in US by December 2019
- Newfound marine blob looks like 'party balloon' with two strings, scientists say
- China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades
- Broken Arecibo telescope collapses, ending an era of alien-hunting
- The best science kit gifts for kids
- Mysterious black spot in polar explorer's diary offers gruesome clue to his fate
- Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest
- Biblical Goliath may not have been a giant
- AI system solves 50-year-old protein folding problem in hours