All content archive
March 2021
223 articles
- March 31
- Spaceflight and long-distance swimming shrink the heart
- Fiery 'airburst' of superheated gas slammed into Antarctica 430,000 years ago
- Astronomers see a ghostly 'radio jellyfish' rise from the dead in the southern sky
- How stress stops hair growth (in mice)
- Rabbits dig up 9,000-year-old artifacts on 'Dream Island'
- Rarest great ape on Earth could soon go extinct
- Pfizer vaccine is 100% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children ages 12 to 15
- Endearing orange-faced peacock spider looks like 'Nemo' (and dances)
- Creepy sculpture with human faces is even older than experts thought
- March 30
- Mysterious brain disease 'cluster' under investigation in Canada
- SpaceX's Starship SN11 rocket prototype explodes on landing
- Scientists detect world's coldest cloud hovering over Pacific Ocean
- Bizarre 'worm tornado' in New Jersey has scientists baffled
- 500 million-year-old fossil is the granddaddy of all cephalopods
- Sea creatures' strange circular swimming has scientists puzzled
- Astronomers find the 'safest place' to live in the Milky Way
- Identity of mysterious 'Hobbits' possibly found
- March 29
- How the 'Worm Moon' helped free the stuck ship Ever Given in the Suez Canal
- Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are 90% effective in 'real-world' study
- Could humans ever be venomous?
- Scientists built a perfectly self-replicating synthetic cell
- 3 Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously punch through Arctic ice
- What are Brood X cicadas?
- Indonesian oil refinery ignites into towering inferno
- The 1st few seconds of the Big Bang: What we know and what we don't
- Infamous asteroid Apophis poses no threat to Earth for at least 100 years, NASA says
- Why do hummingbirds 'hum'?
- A remnant of a protoplanet may be hiding inside Earth
- March 28
- March 27
- March 26
- Catch March's full supermoon Worm Moon this Sunday
- Ex-CDC director believes COVID-19 escaped from a lab, but cites no evidence
- Vampire squid ancestor died in 'eternal embrace' with its dinner
- A 'lump' of dark matter may be ripping apart Taurus' face
- Scientists find deep-sea bacteria that are invisible to the human immune system
- We should study 'dead' alien worlds, and maybe (carefully) seed them with life
- Prime numbers protect Brood X cicadas from everything but zombie fungus
- DARPA takes step toward 'holy grail of encryption'
- The huge ship stuck in the Suez Canal seen in photos from space
- March 25
- What is DNA?
- Pfizer starts COVID-19 vaccine trial in young kids
- Cause of mysterious bald eagle deaths found after 25 years
- Legacy of shattered alien-seeking Arecibo telescope will live on for millions of years
- COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in pregnancy, new study shows
- Do octopuses dream of 8-armed sheep? New study hints at human-like sleep cycle in cephalopods
- Sprawling 5,000-year-old cemetery and fortress discovered in Poland
- Hidden boundaries of lost continent 'Zealandia' revealed in incredible detail
- Lab-grown mini ‘brains’ of humans and apes reveal why one got so much bigger
- March 24
- Millions of dead jellyfish are washing up around the world. 'The blob' could be to blame.
- Piece of Wright brothers' 1st plane now on Mars
- Rare daytime fireball meteor creates massive sonic boom over UK
- Ultrapowerful magnetic fields revealed in 1st ever image of a black hole
- Dark energy camera takes hyper-detailed images of nearby dwarf galaxies
- Strange pattern found inside world’s largest atom smasher has physicists excited
- 85% of COVID-19 long-haulers have multiple brain-related symptoms
- King Tut's father revealed in stunning facial reconstruction
- Meet the 'frodosome,' a brand new organelle
- March 23
- Amazon 'river monster' turns up dead in Florida
- How to spot aliens? Look at Earth, scientists propose.
- WWII-era stimulant drug discovered in weight loss supplements
- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine data may be outdated, US safety board says
- To be declassified: UFO broke sound barrier with no sonic boom
- Genes of 500 million-year-old sea monsters live inside us
- Dead juvenile humpback whale washes up on UK beach
- Defunct US weather satellite breaks up in Earth orbit
- US military to keep wary eye on Chinese and Russian space ambitions under President Biden
- Drone footage reveals dramatic Iceland volcanic eruption
- World's oldest meteor crater isn't what it seems
- March 22
- COVID-19 may trigger diabetes in some people
- Did a scholar really find an early copy of the Ten Commandments?
- What is temperature? Facts about Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin scales
- Jaw-dropping Milky Way mosaic took 12 years to create. Here's why.
- Woman cries blood tears during menstruation in 'rare and unusual clinical case'
- More than 50 new environmental chemicals detected in people
- Ancient Maya power broker died in obscurity, hieroglyphics show
- March 21
- March 20
- March 19
- Bored chimps at Czech zoos video chat during lockdown
- Scientists uncover Antarctic sea creatures 'trapped under ice' for 50 years
- Sperm whales outwitted 19th-century whalers by sharing evasive tactics
- 100 million shots in arms: U.S. meets vaccination goal early
- $35 yard sale bowl sells for over $700,000
- Glowing 'dawn storm' auroras that blaze in Jupiter's morning skies are born in darkness
- Medieval bishop's palace unearthed in England
- Interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua came from an 'alien Pluto,' new study suggests
- 5 kids hospitalized with liver failure after drinking ionized 'Real Water'
- March 18
- NASA tested its new moon rocket in Mississippi, and it only caught on fire a little bit
- AstraZeneca vaccine safe, but rare risk of blood clots not ruled out, EU regulator says
- Scientists grew human tear ducts in a lab and taught them to cry
- 'First complete models' of a human embryo made in the lab
- 'Winged' eagle shark soared through oceans 93 million years ago
- A supermassive black hole is speeding through space, and astronomers don't know why
- Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a ruthless cannibal that devours smaller storms
- March 17
- WHO thinks it knows where COVID-19 originated
- Early Christian monks' quarters and churches found in Egypt
- Why Russian scientists just deployed a giant telescope beneath Lake Baikal
- This golden box will soon make oxygen on Mars. That's great news for human explorers.
- Mars may hide oceans of water beneath its crust, study finds
- Space station tosses 2.9-ton hunk of space junk overboard. It will stay in orbit for years.
- Why does DNA spontaneously mutate? Quantum physics might explain.
- 6,000 WWII-era bomb craters mapped in Poland
- March 16
- Biblical scroll discovered in 'Cave of Horror' in Israel
- Billions of lightning bolts may have jump-started life on Earth, study suggests
- Moderna starts COVID-19 vaccine trial in infants and young children
- 'Rarest of the rare' dinosaur fossil found brooding on its eggs
- What if Planet Nine is a baby black hole?
- Ebola may have lingered in a survivor for 5 years before sparking new outbreak
- Deadly hospital superbug found on a remote island beach
- March 15
- Top-secret Cold War military project found perfectly preserved fossil plants under Greenland ice
- Ozone-destroying CFCs could make late-21st-century comeback
- Arctic walrus takes a nap on an iceberg, wakes up in Ireland
- 'Dark Watchers' have been spooking California hikers for centuries. What are they?
- Orange veil of dust chokes Beijing in record-breaking sandstorm
- This strange lava-rich alien planet is making itself a new atmosphere
- Newfound super-Earth alien planet whips around its star every 0.67 days
- March 14
- March 13
- March 12
- US Air Force says it will test bizarre 'hypersonic' weapon this month
- Beached sperm whale in Australia shows scars from tussle with a giant squid
- 11-year-old boy discovers biblical-era amulet during Negev Desert hike
- Traces of ancient magma ocean found in Greenland
- Monster antimatter particle slams into Antarctica
- Meerkats seem to rejoice when zoo visitors return after lockdown
- What fueled humans' big brains? Controversial paper proposes new hypothesis.
- More twins are being born than ever before
- 'Powerful, maybe even frightening' woman with diadem may have ruled in Bronze Age Spain
- March 11
- String of code sells for $69 million
- Gold and precious gems unearthed in a 5th-century grave in Bohemia
- Physicists measure the tiniest gravitational force ever
- Enter the mysterious ancient Egyptian tomb of 'the Doctor' in this new VR experience
- 6 months of summer could be the norm by 2100, study finds
- The weird long cloud on Mars is finally revealing some of its secrets
- Power technicians discover secret medieval tunnel under footpath in Wales
- US Air Force is guarding against electromagnetic pulse attacks. Should we worry?
- 'Magical' girdle worn in hundreds of medieval childbirths discovered in England
- March 10
- 1st COVID-19 vaccine vial used in the US headed to museum
- China and Russia say they will join forces to build moon base
- Why were dozens of people butchered 6,200 years ago and buried in a Neolithic death pit?
- Something is killing California's songbirds
- When unfolded, these ancient gold foil figures reveal embracing couples
- Radioactive 'snowflakes' act like the tiniest nuclear bombs in the universe
- Can super-rotating oceans cool off extreme exoplanets?
- The moon has a tail, and Earth wears it like a scarf once a month
- Your brain warps your memories so you can remember them better
- March 9
- Rare meteorite, a 'relic of the early solar system,' falls on a driveway in England
- Universe's oldest known quasar discovered 13 billion light-years away
- Man accidentally gets 2 COVID-19 shots in one day, goes into shock
- Who inherits the British throne?
- 8 truly dysfunctional royal families
- Magical amulet decoded. It protected owner from blood-sucking spirits.
- Exotic crystals of 'ice 19' discovered
- Saudi Arabia's wants to build a 105-mile-long 'Line' city in the desert
- Hubble Space Telescope just entered 'safe mode'
- March 8
- Meteor explodes over Vermont with the force of 440 pounds of TNT
- 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite belongs to Earth’s long-lost baby cousin
- Octopuses can 'see' light with their arms
- If you got the COVID-19 vaccine, here’s what the CDC says you can do
- World's oldest 'pet cemetery' discovered in ancient Egypt
- This sea slug can chop off its head and grow an entire new body, twice
- Earth has a hidden layer, and no one knows exactly what it is
- This 'Ninja Giant' is the oldest titanosaur on record
- Ancient helmet worn by soldier in the Greek-Persian wars found in Israel
- Ancient hippo-size reptile was a quick and ferocious killing machine
- March 7
- 'Exceptional' Renaissance armor stolen from the Louvre 40 years ago is finally returned
- Can animals give birth to identical twins, triplets or even quadruplets?
- Astronaut-explorer Richard Garriott makes record-breaking dive to deepest point on Earth
- Mount Etna's fiery eruptions seen from space (satellite photos)
- March 6
- March 5
- Why is China giving travelers anal tests for COVID-19?
- World's rarest seals have a secret breeding cave in Cyprus
- Black holes could be dark stars with 'Planck hearts'
- Scientists still stuck on Betelgeuse antics a year after strange dimming episode
- Skeletons of WWII-era nuns murdered by Soviets unearthed in Poland
- Sherlock Holmes' famous memory trick really works
- 'Demon' asteroid the size of the Eiffel Tower to zoom past Earth Friday
- March 4
- Powerful 8.1-magnitude earthquake off New Zealand triggers tsunami warnings
- Shark gets stabbed in the head, washes ashore in Los Cabos
- Orangutans and bonobos at US zoo get experimental COVID-19 vaccine
- First-ever 'space hurricane' detected over the North Pole
- Physicists trap ultracold plasma in a magnetic bottle for the 1st time
- Scientists grow human-Neanderthal hybrid 'minibrains' in petri dishes
- Primate ancestor of all humans likely roamed with the dinosaurs
- 'Gravity portals' could morph dark matter into ordinary matter, astrophysicists propose
- Spotting UFOs: Do-it-yourself sky surveillance comes online
- NASA's Perseverance rover deploys wind sensor on Mars
- Mysterious odor caused by BB pellet stuck in teen's nose for 8 years
- SpaceX successfully landed its giant Starship, but it exploded a few minutes later
- March 3
- Watch SpaceX launch and (hopefully) land its giant 10th Starship prototype today
- Why type A blood may increase COVID-19 risk
- Decapitated Stone Age woman's head rolled into a cave in Italy
- Could a nuclear reactor help solve the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance?
- The Gulf Stream is slowing to a 'tipping point' and could disappear
- Woman's foul-smelling 'turkey ear' caused by decades-long infection
- Microdosing with 'shrooms or LSD no better than placebo, study finds
- Ancient papyrus holds the world’s oldest guide to mummification
- Human ancestor 'Lucy' gets a new face in stunning reconstruction
- Fireball lights up the night sky above UK as meteor breaks apart
- Watch this giant iceberg break off from Antarctica
- Japanese billionaire seeks 8 crewmembers for moon-bound mission on SpaceX's Starship
- Cuttlefish show self-control, pass 'marshmallow test'
- March 2
- Renaissance-era letter sealed for centuries just virtually unfolded and read for the first time
- Rare Australian bee rediscovered after nearly a century
- 2 ancient stone coffins for husband and wife unearthed at Israeli wildlife park
- Planetary defense experts use infamous asteroid Apophis to practice spotting dangerous space rocks
- Lab-grown black hole analog behaves just like Stephen Hawking said it would
- Cats are too socially inept to be loyal
- March 1
- Photos of Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie and others come alive (creepily), thanks to AI
- Link found between cannabis and rebound headaches after migraine
- Venomous spiders take advantage of pandemic, move into college buildings
- Oozing tendrils of lava spew from Mount Etna in spectacular nighttime photos
- 2,000-year-old chariot unearthed at Pompeii
- Meet the swirlon, a new kind of matter that bends the laws of physics
- Rare red sprite and blue jet create otherworldly light show above Hawaii
- Gwyneth Paltrow's wacky COVID-19 treatments have no medical justification