Tree Bark May Hold Key To New Melanoma Treatment By Cynthia McKelvey published 3 June 14 An antimicrobial substance in pine tree bark may have a use for treating skin cancer.
What Do Women Want In Men? It's Not That Simple By Cynthia McKelvey published 28 May 14 Recent analysis shows women's menstrual cycles may not affect their mate preferences.
Researchers Track Influenza Using Wikipedia By Cynthia McKelvey published 9 May 14 A new algorithm can track influenza in the U.S. in real time.
Food Safety Returns To Nature By Cynthia McKelvey published 26 April 14 Naturally occurring viruses are slowly gaining popularity in eradicating foodborne bacteria.
Magnifying The Body May Reduce Pain By Cynthia McKelvey published 22 April 14 In healthy people, seeing an enlarged hand lessened the subjective experience of pain.
Plant-Derived Nanotubes Provide Personalized DNA Delivery By Cynthia McKelvey published 15 April 14 Tiny tubes deliver functioning genes to cells with broken copies.