Heather Barker

Heather Barker

Contributing writer

Heather Barker is Head of Science at All Hallows Prep-School in Somerset, England. She has been educating young people between the ages of 5 and 19, as a teacher and private tutor, since 2012. Initially studying graphics with illustration to keep herself mentally challenged while bringing up her family, Heather re-trained by undertaking a Science degree with the Open University. Then, completed a Master’s degree in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry at The University of Bath in 2010. Afterward, Heather started work at the university as a Research Assistant, using histology and genetics to study the evolution of sticklebacks, before qualifying as a teacher in the Graduate training program. Always seeking ways to combine her passions for art and science, Heather enjoys creating garden designs for private clients. She also ran a club for art students to use microscopy as an observation tool; creations included anatomical drawings of head lice and phenomenal paintings of mushroom gills. In her free time, Heather is often found in her shady garden; titivating, reading, drawing, treating herself to a cream tea or simply watching the bees and butterflies enjoying the flowers.

Articles by: Heather Barker