Jane McCallion

Jane McCallion

Jane is managing editor at B2B technology website ITPro, and its sibling titles Cloud Pro and ChannelPro. She started out with the brands as a staff writer specializing in cloud computing before going on to become senior writer and reports editor, managing the content and creation of ITPro’s quarterly whitepapers. From there she held a number of senior editorial roles before taking on her current position in 2024. 

Jane started her media career working for a PR agency that specialized in supporting clients that work with companion animals. This included a pharmaceutical company that produced medication for companion animals, which required her to learn about diseases such as African horse sickness, feline immunodeficiency virus, and leptospirosis. A few years later, she embarked on her journalism career as a freelance B2B writer covering topics including mining and minerals processing, water resource management, energy generation, and fisheries.

Articles by: Jane McCallion