How calories are calculated: The science behind your food By Joanna Fantozzi, Ailsa Harvey last updated 14 October 22 Reference Scientists have developed methods to determine how calories are calculated
Which Is Rarer: Gold or Diamonds? By Joanna Fantozzi published 28 August 18 Diamonds are forever, and gold is precious, but which is rarer? And does that rarity have anything to do with the price we see at a jewelry store?
Why Do Some People Hate the Taste of Beer? By Joanna Fantozzi published 14 July 18 If the thought of sipping a beer is gag-inducing, you're not alone. But why does this happen: Why do some people hate the taste of beer?
Why Do Some Fruits and Vegetables Conduct Electricity? By Joanna Fantozzi published 16 May 18 Many people may think it's amazing that a simple piece of produce can conduct electricity. As it turns out, that's not the whole story.
Who Invented Bread? By Joanna Fantozzi published 11 May 18 Unlike chocolate chip cookies or tomato soup, the invention of bread can't be pinned down to a single person or people; instead, it evolved to its present state over the course of millennia.