The Next X Prizes: DNA, Nanotech, Autos and Education By Leonard David published January 30, 2006 The goal is to cut through red tape, jumpstart progress and allow genius to shine.
Zero to 76,000 mph in a Second By Leonard David published June 7, 2005 Machine sets new acceleration record.
Despite Fuel Crisis, Fossett Heads Across Pacific Ocean By Leonard David published March 2, 2005 The first solo attempt to circle the globe in a non-stop, non-refueled effort could come up short.
Historic Globe-Circling Flight Underway By Leonard David published February 28, 2005 GlobalFlyer aims to set record for nonstop solo flight with no refueling.
Historic Round-the-World Flight Set for Monday Takeoff By Leonard David published February 27, 2005 GlobalFlyer launch finally slated after weeks of delays.
Round-the-World Flight Delayed Again By Leonard David published February 23, 2005 Bad weather pushes the GlobalFlyer launch into at least early March.
Spotters Wanted to Track Historic GlobalFlyer Effort By Leonard David published February 3, 2005 First solo round-the-world nonstop flight in holding pattern. May launch mid-month.
GlobalFlyer Seeks Round-the-World Record By Leonard David published January 3, 2005 High-tech effort for first solo, non-refueled trip around the globe.
Robot Border Patrol on Point By Leonard David published November 19, 2004 Starting this month, two U.S. Army RQ-5 Hunter UAVs are making reconnaissance flights along the Arizona border.