Why do we love garlic but hate garlic breath? By Mara Grunbaum last updated 20 September 23 Why do people love the taste of garlic, but hate the resulting garlic breath?
Why Does Freshly Cut Grass Smell So Nice? By Mara Grunbaum published 5 May 19 What are we really smelling when we inhale that fresh-cut grass scent? And why do we like it so much?
Why Do Cambrian Creatures Look So Weird? By Mara Grunbaum published 16 March 19 Even paleontologists sometimes wonder: Why do Cambrian creatures look so strange?
Do Any Animals Know Their Grandparents? By Mara Grunbaum published 9 March 19 Do any animals know their grandparents the way people do?
What the Heck?! Images of Evolution's Extreme Oddities By Mara Grunbaum published 3 October 14 From frightful to downright odd, evolution has created some strange-looking critters.