States of matter: Definition and phases of change By Mary Bagley last updated 6 October 23 Reference The four fundamental states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma, but there others, such as Bose-Einstein condensates and time crystals, that are man-made.
Properties of Matter: Gases By Mary Bagley published 16 February 22 Reference Gases are a state of matter with no fixed shape or volume. They have a lower density than solids and liquids.
Marie Curie: Facts and biography By Mary Bagley, Jessica Leggett published 6 December 21 Reference Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist and a pioneer in the study of radiation.
Mount St. Helens Eruption: Facts & Information By Mary Bagley published 16 October 18 Picturesque Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980 and remains the most destructive example of volcanic activity in the United States.
Kilauea Volcano: Facts About the 30-Year Eruption By Mary Bagley published 8 May 18 On the Big Island of Hawaii, one of the world's most active volcanoes has been spewing lava since 1983.
Mount Vesuvius & Pompeii: Facts & History By Mary Bagley published 20 December 17 The only active volcano on mainland Europe is famous for destroying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Krakatoa Volcano: Facts About 1883 Eruption By Mary Bagley published 15 September 17 The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 was one of the most deadly in modern history.
Mount Etna: Facts About Volcano's Eruptions By Mary Bagley published 28 February 17 Mount Etna is Italy's largest active volcano. It is also the volcano with the longest record of continuous eruption.
Cambrian Period: Facts & Information By Mary Bagley published 27 May 16 A dramatic burst of evolutionary change, called the Cambrian Explosion, occurred during this period.
Precambrian: Facts About the Beginning of Time By Mary Bagley published 3 May 16 The Precambrian was the first super eon of Earth’s history, lasting from about 4.6 billion to 542 million years ago.
Properties of Matter: Liquids By Mary Bagley published 24 July 14 Liquid is a state of matter between solid and gas. Molecule are farther apart from one another, giving them space to flow and take on the shape of their container.
Properties of Matter: Solids By Mary Bagley published 23 July 14 Solid is a state of matter in which the molecules are packed closely together and usually arranged in a regular pattern. A solid object has a fixed shape and volume.
History of Chemistry | Famous Chemists By Mary Bagley published 31 May 14 In many ways, the history of civilization is the history of chemistry. Humans have always sought to identify, use and change the materials in our environment.
Jane Goodall Biography By Mary Bagley published 29 March 14 Jane Goodall is a primatologist most known for her long-term study of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania.
Easter Egg Science Experiments | Science Projects for Kids By Mary Bagley published 27 March 14 Did you know that Easter eggs are wonderful materials for fun science projects? Try some of these eggs-periments and find out how interesting your eggs can be!
Coloring Easter Eggs with Natural Dyes | Fun Science Experiments By Mary Bagley published 21 March 14 Brightly colored materials in your kitchen can be used to make natural dyes for Easter eggs.
Devonian Period: Climate, Animals & Plants By Mary Bagley published 22 February 14 The Devonian Period occurred from 419.2 million to 358.9 million years ago. It is often known as the “Age of Fishes."
Simple Plant Science Experiments for Kids By Mary Bagley published 21 February 14 These simple plant science experiments will sharpen your little ones’ interest in seeds and plants.
Silurian Period Facts: Climate, Animals & Plants By Mary Bagley published 20 February 14 The Silurian Period occurred from 443 million to 416 million years ago. It was a time of great environmental changes on Earth and saw the first evidence of life on land.
Triassic Period Facts: Climate, Animals & Plants By Mary Bagley published 11 February 14 The Triassic Period occurred between 251 million and 199 million years ago. It was a time when life outside of the oceans began to diversify.
Permian Period: Climate, Animals & Plants By Mary Bagley published 8 February 14 The Permian Period lasted from 298.9 million to 251.9 million years ago. Two groups of animals that dominated the period would later branch into mammals and reptiles.
Quaternary Period: Climate, Animals & Other Facts By Mary Bagley published 6 February 14 The Quaternary Period is a geologic time period that encompasses the most recent 2.6 million years — including the present day.
Louis Pasteur: Biography & Quotes By Mary Bagley published 31 January 14 Louis Pasteur was a French chemist who proved that germs cause disease, developed vaccines for anthrax and rabies and created the process of pasteurization.
Fluids in Motion | Fun Science Experiments By Mary Bagley published 15 January 14 Here are some fun ways to demonstrate principles of fluid dynamics.
Science Projects for the Holidays By Mary Bagley published 11 December 13 Is Christmas too slow in coming? Why not liven things up with a little fun and interesting science? These activities are sure to while away some of those holiday doldrums.