Skating Through Life and History By Meredith F. Small published January 11, 2008 Human history is entwined with ice skating.
Why We Gossip: Because Grooming Takes Too Long By Meredith F. Small published January 4, 2008 We might just be evolutionarily designed to judge and talk about others.
Your Baby is Watching (and Judging) You By Meredith F. Small published December 28, 2007 Next time the baby shoots you a dirty look, it might not be gas.
Why We're Such Suckers for Advertising By Meredith F. Small published December 21, 2007 If humans are such brains, how come we're so painfully susceptible to marketing?
The Modern Fight Against an Ancient Killing Machine By Meredith F. Small published December 14, 2007 Anthropologists know the tale of malaria from genes to culture.
DNA Kits: Secrets of Your Past or Scientific Scam? By Meredith F. Small published December 7, 2007 It's human nature to seek our roots, but DNA kits are scams.
A Mysterious Stroll Through Human History By Meredith F. Small published November 30, 2007 Being human is apparently all about wanderlust.
What Humans Should Really be Thankful For By Meredith F. Small published November 22, 2007 We are humans, and this species has a lot to be grateful for.
Even Monkeys Go Ga-Ga over Babies By Meredith F. Small published November 16, 2007 Are we the only animals that make fools of ourselves over our babies?
Why Your Decisions are Always Right By Meredith F. Small published November 9, 2007 Why are humans so good at fooling themselves?
The Scariest Thing about Neanderthals By Meredith F. Small published November 2, 2007 Who knew J.K. Rowling's Weasley family's red hair was tens of thousands of years old?
A Culture that Capitalism Can't Crush By Meredith F. Small published October 26, 2007 The Tuareg and many others on Earth retain their cultural ways despite of the lure of Western culture.
Why Monks Are So Darn Happy By Meredith F. Small published October 19, 2007 The Dalai Lama was in town. That's Ithaca, New York, a small town in the middle of nowhere.
The Evolution of Bullying By Meredith F. Small published October 12, 2007 Bullying might have its source in evolution.
Monumental Human Voyages Revealed by Obscure Tool By Meredith F. Small published October 5, 2007 Your first question might be, of course, what the heck is an adze?
Why There's No Such Thing as a Good Night's Sleep By Meredith F. Small published September 28, 2007 Sleep deprived or sleeping too much? Either way, sleeping at our desks mid-day is a good thing.
Boredom: A Sinful, Puzzling, Modern Thing By Meredith F. Small published September 21, 2007 Boredom, as we know it, is not a common universal feeling.
This Bird Made a Monkey Out of Humans By Meredith F. Small published September 14, 2007 Alex the parrot is dead, and all across the country anthropologists and psychologists are in black.
School: Not the Only Way to Learn By Meredith F. Small published September 7, 2007 Schooling can get in the way of education, to paraphrase Mark Twain.
Human Family Tree Now a Tangled, Messy Bush By Meredith F. Small published August 31, 2007 For anthropology students 30 years ago, learning human evolution was a breeze.
Hit the Beach: Why Humans Love Water By Meredith F. Small published August 24, 2007 It's human nature to seek out bodies of water.
The Evolution of Anxiety By Meredith F. Small published August 17, 2007 How amusement park fear can be allayed.
Lucy on Tour: See Evolution's Biggest Bones of Contention By Meredith F. Small published August 10, 2007 Lucy, the quintessential human-ape combo, is coming to a museum near you.
We Are Who We Hang Out With By Meredith F. Small published August 3, 2007 The phrase "peer pressure" has profound meaning for the human species.
Cursing The First Bipedal Apes By Meredith F. Small published July 27, 2007 The reason that sprained ankles make us feel less human has to do with evolution.