Rare Slow-Spinning Star Reveals Space Oddity By Nola Taylor Redd published 28 December 11 The newly discovered pulsar appears to be older than the star explosion that created it.
2011 Was the Year of the Restless Sun By Nola Taylor Redd published 28 December 11 The sun finally woke up this year after a five-year slumber.
Cosmic Autopsy Reveals Youngest Supernova's Origins By Nola Taylor Redd published 15 December 11 The youngest supernova astronomers have seen provides clues about where it came from.
Alien Planet Warps Its Solar System By Nola Taylor Redd published 9 December 11 Even as the planet orbiting Beta Pictoris twists and kinks the debris disk around the star, the disk drags and distorts the orbit of the planet.
Mystery of Mars Gullies Solved By Nola Taylor Redd published 7 December 11 The gullies of Mars may have been cut by dust and sand cushioned on gaseous carbon dioxide.
Alien Planet Is Rolling Over, Forcing 4 Others to Do Same By Nola Taylor Redd published 1 December 11 The massive planet 55 Cancri d flips itself upside-down and drags its four sibling planets along for the ride.
Massive Black Hole Yields its Mysteries to Astronomers By Nola Taylor Redd published 29 November 11 Refining the distance to the solar mass black hole in Cygnus X-1 allowed astronomers to precisely calculate its characteristics.
Pluto's Moons Could Spell Danger for New Horizons Spacecraft By Nola Taylor Redd published 29 November 11 Hidden moons around Pluto could produce unforeseen hazards that could destroy NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.
Black Hole's Cosmic Feasting Brings Bouts of Belching By Nola Taylor Redd published 17 November 11 Astronomers used NASA's WISE space telescope to take a detailed look at black hole jets.
Jupiter Moon's Buried Lakes Evoke Antarctica By Nola Taylor Redd published 16 November 11 Puzzling features on Europa's surface could hide lakes of water beneath them.
Why the Milky Way May Be Facing a Midlife Crisis By Nola Taylor Redd published 15 November 11 The Milky Way and its neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, seem to be slowing down their rates of star formation.
Astronomer Sleuth Solves Mystery of Big Cosmos Discovery By Nola Taylor Redd published 14 November 11 Documents reveal who cut key passages that could have trumped Edwin Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the universe.
NASA Tracking Huge Asteroid with Radar for Tuesday Encounter By Nola Taylor Redd published 7 November 11 Astronomers using radar to ping asteroids and other objects to learn more about them.
Ancient Mars Water May Have Flowed Underground By Nola Taylor Redd published 3 November 11 The water in ancient Mars' past may have existed predominantly underground.
A Day on Neptune Is Just 16 Hours Long, Study Reveals By Nola Taylor Redd published 10 October 11 Astronomers have finally pinned just how long it takes for sunrise on Neptune.
Wetter Mars Atmosphere Shakes Up Old Climate Models By Nola Taylor Redd published 30 September 11 Astronomers studying the Martian atmosphere have found up to a hundred times more water than anticipated in the upper atmosphere.
City-Size Neutron Stars Collide, Unleash Radio Shockwaves By Nola Taylor Redd published 29 September 11 When two city-sized stars with solar-sized masses merge, the result is a high energy blast wave that lasts for months.
Some Rocky Planets Could Have Been Born as Gas Giants By Nola Taylor Redd published 20 September 11 Super-Earth planets may result from failed gas giants, a new theory suggests.
Star's Bubbly Surface Reveals Cosmic Cooking Below By Nola Taylor Redd published 15 September 11 The process of convection, which resembles boiling water, helps astronomers to understand what's happening deep inside of a pulsating star.
Impossible Star Defies Astronomers' Theories By Nola Taylor Redd published 31 August 11 A star from the Milky Way challenges theories of star formation.
'Exotic Galaxy' With Black Hole Heart Wows Astronomers By Nola Taylor Redd published 29 August 11 Astronomers have found a galaxy they've dubbed the 'missing link' of radio astronomy.
Milky Way's Baby Stars Linked to Stellar Growth Spurt By Nola Taylor Redd published 26 August 11 The unique relationship between age and the pulsing of Cepheid variable stars allowed astronomers to determine that the star formation in the Milky Way more than tripled a few million years ago.
New Look at Exploding Stars Provides Cosmic Yardstick By Nola Taylor Redd published 12 August 11 Astronomers studying supernovas narrowed down the likelihood of the pairings that produced them.
Scientists Cook Up Jupiter's Atmosphere on Earth By Nola Taylor Redd published 10 August 11 Using a pressurized "oven," Earth-bound scientists seek to create what Jupiter's atmosphere might look like.
Moonless Earth Could Potentially Still Support Life, Study Finds By Nola Taylor Redd published 9 August 11 Scientists have long thought the Earth's moon was vital for its habitability. But that may not be so.