Oddný Ragnarsdóttir

Oddný Ragnarsdóttir

PhD Candidate, Environmental Chemistry, University of Birmingham

Oddný Ragnarsdóttir is an early stage researcher who obtained her BSc in Chemistry from the University of Iceland and MSc in Chemistry in Environmental Forensics from Örebro University, Sweden. During her master studies, she researched the interplay of gut microbial metabolites, metabolome and environmental exposure in anoretic women. The main focus of the project was the analysis of PFAS and bile acids in serum samples. Those results were then linked to clinical data and metabolomic results in order to aid in the understanding of the development and persistence of anorexia nervosa. Oddný is interested in metabolomics and the analysis of persistent organic pollutants in order to learn more about human exposure routes and their possible health effects.

Articles by: Oddný Ragnarsdóttir