NASA Satellites Make Magnetic Discovery in Turbulent Space Near Earth By Samantha Mathewson published June 10, 2018 NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft has detected magnetic activity occurring in a new and surprising way in the environment of near-Earth space.
2 Military Satellites Launched into Orbit Around Earth By Samantha Mathewson published April 15, 2018
Too Much Sitting May Shrink the Part of Your Brain Tied to Memory By Samantha Mathewson published April 13, 2018 It may be time to ditch the desk chair.
Black Holes Shape Some Alien Planets' Destinies By Samantha Mathewson published February 28, 2018 Supermassive black holes near the center of our Milky Way galaxy may have transformed "mini-Neptune" exoplanets into rocky "super-Earths," new research shows.
How Much Money Would It Take to Make You Happy? Scientists Calculate By Samantha Mathewson published February 14, 2018 Money may not buy you love, but it turns out that the green stuff can bring happiness, to a point.
Rare Snowfall in Sahara Desert Seen from Space By Samantha Mathewson published January 18, 2018 Stunning views show the snow-covered dunes on the edge of the Sahara Desert — an area known to be one of the hottest places on Earth.
Sleeping More May Curb Sugar Cravings, Really By Samantha Mathewson published January 10, 2018 Is the trick to cutting cravings for sugary foods as simple as getting a good night's sleep? A new small study from the United Kingdom suggests that may be the case.
Rare Hybrid Bird Discovered in the Amazon in a First By Samantha Mathewson published January 9, 2018 A rare, vivid green bird with radiant yellow feathers on its head is actually a unique hybrid species living in the Amazon rainforest, researchers have found.
Why Sniffing Your Partner's Shirt Helps Reduce Stress By Samantha Mathewson published January 7, 2018 If you're feeling stressed, a whiff of your romantic partner's shirt may help you feel more relaxed, a new study shows.
Buttless Wonder: New Worm Has No Anus By Samantha Mathewson published December 26, 2017 Scientists have discovered a bizarre new species of marine worm that lacks a number of internal features common to other animals — including an anus.
60-Million-Year-Old Meteor Strike Uncovered on Remote Isle of Skye By Samantha Mathewson published December 26, 2017 Scientists have discovered out-of-this-world minerals at the site of a 60 million-year-old meteorite impact on Scotland’s remote Isle of Skye.
Mystery of Whale and Dolphin Strandings May Hinge on NASA Data By Samantha Mathewson published December 12, 2017 Are huge balls of charged gas launched from the sun steering these marine animals off course?
Solar Eclipse Damage to Woman's Eye Revealed in Striking Images By Samantha Mathewson published December 7, 2017
The Tastiest Sausages Bring Their Own Microbes to the Party By Samantha Mathewson published December 1, 2017 A new study from Italy shows how science can be used to improve the flavor of sausage and other processed meats.
From Wild to Mild: How Different Types of Alcohol Affect Your Mood By Samantha Mathewson published November 22, 2017 The holidays are full of tasty treats and festive cocktails — but instead of Christmas cheer, some alcoholic beverages may cause other, less pleasant feelings, a new study from England suggests.
Puppy Love: Owning a Dog Linked to Better Heart Health By Samantha Mathewson published November 17, 2017 Good news for dog owners: Man's best friend may help lower a person's risk of heart disease, a new study from Sweden finds.
Electric Cars Don't Interfere with Heart Implants By Samantha Mathewson published November 13, 2017 Fans of Tesla electric cars who also have implanted heart devices can rest easy.
Here's What Happens in the Brain When You Don't Get Enough Sleep By Samantha Mathewson published November 7, 2017 After a sleepless night, you likely feel sluggish the next morning, and a small new study suggests why: Your brain cells feel sluggish, too.
Sorry, You Can't Stop Aging – Here's the Math to Prove It By Samantha Mathewson published October 31, 2017 Growing old is a natural part of life, but that hasn't stopped people from turning to anti-aging skin treatments, specialized diets and other tricks to try to reverse the effects of aging.
What Your Nose Can Reveal About Your Emotions By Samantha Mathewson published October 30, 2017 Your sense of smell has a strong bearing on your emotions. But what happens when you have trouble with your emotions?
Daylight Saving Crime: When Clocks Fall Back, Assaults Spike By Samantha Mathewson published October 30, 2017
Why Women Who Arch Their Backs Are More Alluring to Men By Samantha Mathewson published October 26, 2017
Do You Daydream? You May Be Smarter and More Creative Than Your Peers By Samantha Mathewson published October 25, 2017 Ever get in trouble for daydreaming in class or during a meeting at work? Try telling your teacher or boss this: Daydreaming may be a sign of intelligence and creativity, a new study finds.
Your Dog Doesn't Want Just Your Food — He Wants Your Attention By Samantha Mathewson published October 19, 2017 Your dog may be trying to tell you something. From an inquisitive head tilt to "puppy dog eyes," the expressions of our canine companions may be their attempts to communicate, a new study finds.