Back-to-School Vaccinations: A How-To Guide By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Here's a guide to which vaccinations are recommended for kids and adults.
Avastin Doesn't Benefit Breast Cancer Patients, Study Confirms By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Avastin does not prolong life, nor does it improve quality of life, for breast cancer patients, a new review says.
STDs Blocked by Nano Gel, Study Suggests By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Protection against sexually transmitted diseases could be more discrete and longer-lasting with a new gel that uses nanoparticles.
How Height Affects Cause of Death By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Taller people are more likely to die of cancer, and shorter people are more likely to die of heart problems, a new study says.
Why Debilitating MRSA Infections Are on the Decline By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 MRSA infections are decreasing inside and outside the hospital.
Exercise Cuts Breast Cancer Risk, Study Finds By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight reduces risk of breast cancer.
Elderly Brains Get a Boost from Dark Chocolate By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Eating dark chocolate may help improve brain function and memory.
Vitamin D Levels Linked with Breast Cancer Survival Rates By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Women with breast cancer with higher levels of vitamin D lived longer than women with lower levels, a new study finds.
Toddler's Marijuana-Cookie Ingestion Could Have Been Worse By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 What are the consequences of kids accidentally eating pot brownies?
Omega-3s Don't Seem to Affect Brain Health By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Does taking fish oil keep your brain in good shape?
Hopeless Teens Prone to Drug Abuse, Suicide Tries By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Teens who don't think they'll live past 35 are more likely to partake in risky behaviors.
Child Car Seat Rules Mostly Ignored, Study Finds By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Most U.S. kids don't sit in the required car seats that they ought to.
School Lunch Makeover Requires Whole Grains By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 School lunches are getting a health makeover.
Can Taking Vitamin D & Calcium Help You Live Longer? By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 When taken with calcium, vitamin D may help you live longer.
Pro-Mammogram Statistics Draw Challenge By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 An awareness campaign by Susan G Komen for the Cure may have exaggerated the benefits of breast cancer screening.
Diabetes Drug May Someday Repair Alzheimer's Damage By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 A diabetes medication has surprising benefits for Alzheimer's patients.
9 Meal Schedules: When to Eat to Lose Weight By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 When should you schedule your meals, for most successful weight loss?
7 Ways Alcohol Affects Your Health By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Drinking too much is bad for health, but what about modest consumption?
7 Ways to Reduce Job Stress By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Stressed out because of work? Here are seven ways to reduce job stress.
Breast-Feeding Keeps Moms Thin Decades Later By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Breast-feeding keeps pounds off even decades later.
The Eyes Have It: Pupil Dilation Indicates Sexuality By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 People's pupils react when they see other people they find attractive. But can this reaction reveal a person's sexuality?
Shining Light on a Hotel Room's Dirtiest Things By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 What is the most bacteria-ridden item in your hotel room?
Heart Attacks More Likely Where Traffic Is Louder By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 How does where you live affect your risk of a heart attack?
Sleepy People Choose Unhealthy Foods By Susan E. Matthews published 30 May 13 Do you eat less healthily when you sleep less?
Blood Test May Reveal Menopause Age By Susan E. Matthews published 31 August 12 Women in their late 30s and 40s could get a blood test that predicts what age they'll enter menopause, researchers say.