Cat Overpopulation Spawning Novel Rescue Approach (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 26, 2013 Is there a humane solution to the shelter-cat population boom?
Internet Pet Dealers Finally Face Oversight (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 25, 2013 Pets sold online finally get the protections they deserve.
Gestation Crates Have No Place in U.S. Food Production (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 24, 2013 Nationwide, gestation crates are falling out of favor.
States Take Steps to Prevent Zombie Deer and Poisoned Condors (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 21, 2013 Can new laws help stop the spread of chronic wasting disease in deer?
Dogs to Prairie Dogs, Animals Need Rescue from Disaster (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 18, 2013 When disaster strikes, wildlife and pets both have rescuers on call.
A Blueprint for Ending the Euthanasia of Healthy Animals (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 13, 2013 California is making great strides toward ending the euthanasia of shelter animals, will other states follow suit?
Can Farmers Cry Wolf and then Pocket the Cash? (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 11, 2013 Is it fair to compensate farmers when they don't take necessary steps to protect their flocks?
Chimp-Painted Art is Expressive, Even When Painted by Tongue (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 5, 2013 Chimp art may soon bring top dollar at auction.
Sharks Gain Protections in India, Will U.S. Follow Suit? (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published September 4, 2013 After India grants protections to sharks, will U.S. courts do the same?
Dogfighting Bust, 3 Years in the Making, Marks Transformational Change (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 29, 2013 Massive raid across four states is part of a growing effort to eradicate dog fighting.
Lead in Discarded Bullets a Hazard for People and Wildlife (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 28, 2013 Bullets still a danger even after they've been fired, killing more than 130 animal species in the wild.
American Running of the Bulls Not Much of a Thrill (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 22, 2013 With American Running of the Bulls, thrill-seekers should look elsewhere.
Butter-Cow Prank Does Nothing to Help the Cause of Animals (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 21, 2013 Defacing the Butter Cow at the Iowa State Fair is not an example of responsible animal advocacy.
Wolves at Risk? Michigan Allows Hunting of Protected Species (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 15, 2013 Have wolves lost their protection in Michigan?
As Furs Fade in the West, Popularity Grows in the East (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 13, 2013 The rise and fall of the fur industry in the West is offset by trends in the East.
Boas, Chimps or Tigers: Wild Animals Are Not Pets (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 13, 2013 Wild animals are wild – they do not belong in people's homes.
No Matter the Spin, Whales in Captivity Deserve Better (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 9, 2013 Whales deserve better than concrete holding tanks.
Farm Bill Amendment Tramples States Rights to Protect Animals (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 9, 2013 If Farm Bill passes with broadly worded amendment, states could lose many rights to protect animals.
What's Behind the Search for Lab-Grown Meat (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 7, 2013 Is lab-grown meat a viable alternative to cattle farming?
75 New Animal Welfare Laws, and Counting (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 2, 2013 Animal welfare is strengthening in the U.S. as new laws emerge.
Step-by-Step Progress Protecting Tennessee Walking Horses (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published August 1, 2013 Despite protective laws, Tennessee walking horses still face abuse.
Nearly 100 Animals Rescued from Squalor at Rural Homestead (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published July 29, 2013 Recently, nearly 100 dogs and cats had to be rescued from a single homestead in Arkansas.
As Wild Horses Swelter, Interior Secretary Must Act (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published July 26, 2013 As wild horses suffer in the summer heat, the Department of the Interior needs to find better protections for them.
Not Science, but Slaughter: Japanese Whaling Tried in International Court (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published July 20, 2013 Is Japanese whaling necessary?
When Animals Suffer, the Country Pays a Price (Op-Ed) By Wayne Pacelle, CEO published July 11, 2013 Animal cruelty is usually just one symptom of other societal ills.