Latest about exoplanets
How big can a planet get?
By Natalie Hinkel published
Why isn't there an endless variety of planets in the universe? An astrophysicist explains why planets only come in two flavors.
Earth-Sized Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star
By Ravi Kumar Kopparapu published
Scientists have discovered what may be TESS' first known Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a nearby star, meaning liquid water could exist on the surface of this terrestrial planet.
Alien life Is Out There. But Our Theories Are Steering Us Away from It.
By Peter Vickers published
Alien life is out there, but our current theories seem to be steering us away from it, says this scientist.
Evidence of an Alien Planet Spotted Around a White Dwarf, a Cosmic First
By Mike Wall published
For the first time ever, astronomers have spotted evidence of a planet circling a superdense stellar corpse known as a white dwarf, a new study reports.
Before We Find Aliens, Humans Need to Figure Ourselves Out, Anthropologist Says
By Meghan Bartels published
Humans have questions about alien life. But those beings, if they exist, likely have some questions of their own about humans, queries we may want to answer before we find any life beyond Earth.
'Improbable Planet' Somehow Survives Being Swallowed by Red Giant Star
By Chelsea Gohd published
Scientists have discovered a "survivalist" planet that shouldn't exist orbiting a pulsating star.
NASA Spacecraft Poised to Find Thousands of Alien Worlds
By Daniel Apai, Benjamin Rackham published
Beyond the outer edge of the solar system, mysterious, unknown worlds await by the thousands. Astronomers can now finally find these exoplanets. But will we find another Earth?
NASA Teams Up with $100 Million Breakthrough Listen Project to Search for Intelligent Aliens
By Mike Wall published
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