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How do tiny pieces of space junk cause incredible damage?
By Isobel Whitcomb published
Space junk moves at 10 times the speed of a bullet from an average gun.
The International Space Station can't last forever. Here's how it will eventually die by fire.
By Meghan Bartels published
What goes up must come down — including, sadly enough, the International Space Station.
Without gravity, the fluid around an astronaut's brain moves in weird ways
By Doris Elin Salazar published
The fluid that cushions the human brain redistributes in the skull during spaceflight, according to a new study.
New space toilet reaches the final frontier
By Chelsea Gohd published
A robotic Cygnus spacecraft successfully blasted off from Virginia today (Oct. 1) carrying nearly 4 tons of gear, including a new space toilet, to the International Space Station.
Small air leak on space station traced to Russian service module
By Mike Wall published
Investigators have traced the source of the leak to the "main work area" of the Zvezda Service Module, the heart of the Russian part of the station, NASA officials announced Tuesday (Sept. 29).
Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral 'Elves' and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes
By Yasemin Saplakoglu published
Dark fluffy thunderclouds don't just fuel dramatic storms, they also produce some of the most energetic flashes of light on the planet.
The World's First Space Crime May Have Occurred on the International Space Station Last Year
By Brandon Specktor published
What happens when an alleged crime occurs in space? It starts with an investigation on Earth.
Something’s Missing in This Stunning Photo of Space Station Passing in Front of the Midday Sun
By Brandon Specktor published
The International Space Station glides in front of the sun in this fiery photo — but where are all the sunspots?
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