Latest about satellites
Satellite 'license plates' and re-igniting rocket fuel could head off space junk crashes
By Mindy Weisberger published
In low Earth orbit's growing "space junkyard," new technologies could reduce the risk of collisions.
What Does It Take to Be a Moon?
By Adam Mann published
When is a moon not a moon — and does it matter?
Sleuths Find the Top-Secret (and Classified) Satellite Behind Trump's Tweeted Photo
By Stephanie Pappas published
It was only a matter of time: Amateur sleuths think they've tracked down the satellite that took a high-resolution image of the aftermath of an Iranian missile disaster.
Space Archaeology Is a Thing. And It Involves Lasers and Spy Satellites
By Mindy Weisberger published
High-orbiting satellites offer clues about what lies buried underground.
Indiana Jones Meets 'Star Wars' in 'Archaeology From Space.' Enter to Win a Copy!
By Mindy Weisberger published
What's it like to uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations...from space?
Meet the Ploonets! Runaway Moons with Delusions of Planethood Get Astronomy's Cutest Name Ever
By Mindy Weisberger published
Moons orbiting distant worlds have a new nickname, and it's even cuter than "moonmoon."
Book Excerpt: 'Archaeology From Space'
By Mindy Weisberger published
'Space archaeology' is transforming how experts study ancient civilizations.
NASA Set To Launch a Deep-Space Atomic Clock Tonight
By Kasandra Brabaw published
This technology demonstration mission that could transform the way humans explore space.
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